Hey guys/gals,
Got some photos of a green frog I'm keeping for a bit. I came upon her in 5 gallon bucket of standing muck that contractors had left behind during a piping job, just floating in the water and ducked under when I came closer. I left it alone and just figured she was feasting on any mosquito larvae, but about a week and half later I checked on her again and found her trying to climb out of bucket without much luck and looking pretty thin and cold. I kept her with with my toads for a bit while I built a more frog appropriate enclosure giving a bit of room to swim.
She's a pig and holds for a pose at feeding time. Takes crickets and red wriggler worms, I hope to add in pillbugs soon if I can get a colony rolling. I also keep a couple feeder fish in the water but so far she's only eaten one over several months. I love my snakes, but Kermitas' enclosure is in the living room so we see her alot. Sometimes she'll just perch in the waterfall staring at us watching TV haha. I'd like to release her in the spring so she can do her frog thing in the wild and perhaps stay out of buckets. I'm just fattening the lady up for now.
Experts please correct me if I'm wrong on the species, most of my searching has pointed towards it being a northern green.