Irritable Ball Pythons?
My once docile and sweet ball pythons have turned somewhat aggresive.
They strike at everything they can and I have to wear gloves to be able to take them out of their enclosure (I have thin blood so whenever they bite me I end up bleeding forever)
I knew the first two times they bit me it was my fault (had stupidly reached into Clyde's feeding tank to grab the rat he wasn't eating, scared him and he struck, had just handled my pet rats, didn't wash hands and handled Bonnie)
But recently I will just be having them on my bed and out hanging out and any sudden movement I do they will strike, Bonnie got stuck on me the other day because she struck at my thumb.
I don't know what the cause of this could be.... does anyone have any suggestions? I'm really nervous around them now which I know isn't good, but I hate being bitten.. not because it hurts but because its irritating.