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Old 11-02-15, 06:43 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct-2015
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Woma python experiences

Hi everyone!

I've finally decided on my next snake - the Woma! I think they are gorgeous and I found out one of the best breeders in Canada has some 2015 babies. I've been in contact with him and picked out a little girl. I'm super excited but also a little nervous!

I understand their strong food response and I fully plan on hook training her. He says the babies are hissy until they're out of their enclosure. I'm just hoping she's not too bad... My brazilian rainbow boa doesn't like people in her enclosure but once she's out, she's totally fine. I'm hoping the Woma will be like that but I've heard some horror stories. This will be my most expensive snake ($400 + shipping) and I just want everything to go good.

Anyway! Looking for experiences, tips, pics etc. They are seriously one of the prettiest snakes I've ever seen and I am stoked!
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Old 11-03-15, 12:29 AM   #2
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Re: Woma python experiences

No experience with woma pythons, but my new baby carpet python is a defensive little snot when she's in her enclosure. Currently have 19 snakes and she's the worst of the bunch, lol. When I first brought her home she'd strike at anything that moved. She did learn pretty quickly that striking/biting a stick wasn't worth the effort, but since pythons have those heat sensors she does know the difference between a stick and a hand.
Once she's out of the enclosure there's no problem handling her, it's just a matter of picking her up (if she's on a stick in the cage it's easier) in the first place. Last night she was soaking in the water bowl when I dangled a live fuzzy mouse, and she went for my hand rather than the mouse. Looked more like defensive behavior than a feeding response, though she did get around to the mouse shortly after I put it down. I do believe (or hope anyway) she will grow out of it.
Good luck with the new baby, and of course post some pics when she arrives.
7.6.26 Dominican red mountain boas, 1.1 carpet pythons, 3 ATB, 1.1 climacophora, 1.1 Russian rats, 1.1 prasina, 1.1 speckled kings, 3.3.1 corns, 1.1.1 black rats, 1.1 savu, 1.1 Stimson's, 1 spotted python, 1.1 Boiga nigriceps, 3 Olive house snakes, 1 Sonoran mountain king, 0.1 Sinoloan milk snake, 1.1 Dione rat snake.
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Old 11-03-15, 02:05 PM   #3
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Re: Woma python experiences

My woma was really nippy when I first got her. He would bite and hold on for 5-10 min. Ive had him for a few months and hes relaxed quite a bit. He hasnt tried to bite in several weeks. I still keep an eye and am prepared to try when im handling him but its looking to be turning around. That said when he bites its not really a big deal. It dosent hurt its more annoying than anything.
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an
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Old 11-03-15, 04:44 PM   #4
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Re: Woma python experiences

Originally Posted by reptiledude987 View Post
My woma was really nippy when I first got her. He would bite and hold on for 5-10 min. Ive had him for a few months and hes relaxed quite a bit. He hasnt tried to bite in several weeks. I still keep an eye and am prepared to try when im handling him but its looking to be turning around. That said when he bites its not really a big deal. It dosent hurt its more annoying than anything.
That's kinda scary! I've never experienced a snake bite before. My three are awesome and have never hissed or struck at me. Everyone keeps saying it's not a big deal but I think until I experience it, it's going to be a big deal, lol. I think this Woma is going to give me my first bite.
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Old 11-03-15, 05:00 PM   #5
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Re: Woma python experiences

meh its nothing. dosent hurt unless its one of my big carpet pythons
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an
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Old 11-03-15, 08:05 PM   #6
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Re: Woma python experiences

We have a woma, and she's the weirdest snake ever
When we first got her, she took her sweet time to investigate everything around, like a detective, pushing into things with her snout to see if they move, breathe or whatever. Then she went to inspect Mike, sniffed his fingers for a while, seemingly very interested in the new scent then slowly opened her mouth and just as slow, she clamped it onto his finger. She didn't let go for a few long minutes. And it hurt, Mike said.
However, once she decided that he wasn't food, she never tried it again. That's what womas do. They are extremely inquisitive, investigating every little corner is a must, they have a different way of moving, never get uncomfortable when it comes to slithering over a smooth surface with nothing to hold onto, always poking at things. A very intelligent snake compared to all others.
An Australian woma is a must in every snake owner's collection.
0.1 Bp (Zoey);0.2 BR boa (Casey, Ally);0.1 Dumeril's (Missy);1.0 Albino bp (Mojo);1.0 Banana bp (Bozo);1.0 het ghost CRT (Dante);0.1 Woma python (Lilou);0.1 Desert bp (Skye);1.0 Pewter bp (Spencer);0.1 Champagne bp (Dumdum);0.1 woma bp (Gracie);0.1 pastel woma bp (Pixie);1.0 Super Pastel bp (Chester);0.1 blood python (Athena);1.1 CA boa (Pepper,Bobbi)
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Old 11-04-15, 06:27 PM   #7
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Re: Woma python experiences

Originally Posted by sophiedufort View Post
We have a woma, and she's the weirdest snake ever
When we first got her, she took her sweet time to investigate everything around, like a detective, pushing into things with her snout to see if they move, breathe or whatever. Then she went to inspect Mike, sniffed his fingers for a while, seemingly very interested in the new scent then slowly opened her mouth and just as slow, she clamped it onto his finger. She didn't let go for a few long minutes. And it hurt, Mike said.
However, once she decided that he wasn't food, she never tried it again. That's what womas do. They are extremely inquisitive, investigating every little corner is a must, they have a different way of moving, never get uncomfortable when it comes to slithering over a smooth surface with nothing to hold onto, always poking at things. A very intelligent snake compared to all others.
An Australian woma is a must in every snake owner's collection.
Thank you for the reply. They sound so cool. She'll be so different from my bp's and even my rainbow boa that spends all her time hiding. I'm looking forward to making her a nice display enclosure so I can watch her inquisitive nature.
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Old 11-04-15, 09:50 PM   #8
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Re: Woma python experiences

Originally Posted by hazzaram View Post
Thank you for the reply. They sound so cool. She'll be so different from my bp's and even my rainbow boa that spends all her time hiding. I'm looking forward to making her a nice display enclosure so I can watch her inquisitive nature.
If you want to witness her inquisitive nature, let her roam free somewhere safe. We let ours on our bed and place 'toys' all over. Like paper towel tubes, backpacks, crumpled up blankets, etc. Every time we let her out, she has a great time.

The downside: Our girl doesn't like to poop in her enclosure. She holds it until she comes out. But not in any random spot. She crawls on me and only then does she drop her load. Bugger!
0.1 Bp (Zoey);0.2 BR boa (Casey, Ally);0.1 Dumeril's (Missy);1.0 Albino bp (Mojo);1.0 Banana bp (Bozo);1.0 het ghost CRT (Dante);0.1 Woma python (Lilou);0.1 Desert bp (Skye);1.0 Pewter bp (Spencer);0.1 Champagne bp (Dumdum);0.1 woma bp (Gracie);0.1 pastel woma bp (Pixie);1.0 Super Pastel bp (Chester);0.1 blood python (Athena);1.1 CA boa (Pepper,Bobbi)
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Old 11-04-15, 11:46 PM   #9
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Re: Woma python experiences

There's a big difference between a snake bite (striking out at you) and a food response bite, trust me, lol. Had plenty of nips and defensive bites, but only two food response bites. From a full grown carpet python, they tickle!
1.1 Diamond pythons, 1.1 Gammon Ranges pythons, 1.1 coastal pythons, 2.0 Murray Darling pythons, 1.1 albino Northwestern pythons, 1.0 spotted python, sand monitor, Spencers monitor, yellow spotted monitor, 1.0 leatherback bearded dragon, eastern water dragon, red spiny tailed monitor.
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Old 11-25-15, 10:01 AM   #10
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Re: Woma python experiences

My woma is simply amazing. She is incredible curious, smart and inteligent. Always checks out new stuff and shows herself.
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Old 11-25-15, 11:42 AM   #11
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Re: Woma python experiences

My woma has now calmed down significantly. He hasnt tried to bite at all in the last several weeks. Its nice that I can finally hold him without worry of him trying to eat my fingers.
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an
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