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Old 03-19-15, 08:20 PM   #1
Join Date: Feb-2015
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How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

Just wondering how long a snake can safely stay out of their enclosure without getting too cold.
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Old 03-19-15, 09:10 PM   #2
Jim Smith
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

That kind of depends on the species of snake and the ambient temperatures that the snake is being exposed to. In the winter where you live, it would probably be okay for a while in the summer (both weeks of it) but not do so well if it were in the winter. With the information you've provided, there are too many variables for anyone to give a definitive answer.
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Old 03-19-15, 09:33 PM   #3
EL Ziggy
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

What Jim said.
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Old 03-20-15, 09:13 AM   #4
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

Originally Posted by Jim Smith View Post
That kind of depends on the species of snake and the ambient temperatures that the snake is being exposed to. In the winter where you live, it would probably be okay for a while in the summer (both weeks of it) but not do so well if it were in the winter. With the information you've provided, there are too many variables for anyone to give a definitive answer.
Sorry I didn't give enough information. I don't yet have a snake but I'm doing a lot of research so I don't have a species specifically, but I'm looking into getting a king snake, a ball Python or a boa. In the winter my house is heated so the lowest it gets is maybe 21c and in the summer it can get up to 30c. Hope this helps answering.
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Old 03-20-15, 09:59 AM   #5
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

Originally Posted by ThatPetPerson View Post
In the winter my house is heated so the lowest it gets is maybe 21c and in the summer it can get up to 30c. Hope this helps answering.
jesus, you don't have a/c for the summer? i live in ontario and it can get pretty effin hot here
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Old 03-20-15, 10:52 AM   #6
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

Originally Posted by jossh27 View Post
jesus, you don't have a/c for the summer? i live in ontario and it can get pretty effin hot here
I don't know what province PetPerson is from, but in Alberta A/C is a luxury that only wealthier people have. Of course, in Alberta 30C would be an extreme heat wave lol...Where I live now, in the Okanagan, we get sustained temperatures of around 40C for the hottest 2 months of summer, and daytime temps tend to stay above 30C for at least 4 months, so everyone here has A/C, even in the poorest neighborhoods.

As for the snake; if your house gets up to 30C in the summer, a kingsnake might not be a good idea as they do better in lower temperatures.
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Old 03-21-15, 10:32 AM   #7
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

Haha well it doesn't usually get to 30c but it did some afternoons last summer but it was rare. It doesn't usually get that hot it usually stays around 25c.
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Old 03-21-15, 10:51 AM   #8
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

Well that should be fine then! Out of your choices, I would definitely recommend a king snake as a first snake(or, if you want something larger, a honduran or black milk snake) because they're good eaters, aren't picky about humidity, can go without supplemental heating if the room is kept warm(you might want some heating for them in the winter), are small enough that they can't do you any harm, and you can get any morph for a nice low price! Ball pythons and boas make great pets, but they do have more specific needs than kings or milks and are more expensive in general. Of course, if you're in love with balls or boas, there would be nothing wrong with getting one of those as long as you do your research and make sure you're prepared for the commitment!
0.1 tangerine albino honduran milksnake /// 0.1 snow southern pinesnake /// 0.1 black pinesnake /// 1.0 "hypo" north Mexican pinesnake (jani) /// 1.0 cincuate pinesnake (lineaticollis) /// 1.1 red striped gargoyle geckos /// 0.1 kitty cat /// 2.6.12 tarantulas(assorted species)
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Old 03-21-15, 11:45 AM   #9
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

I wouldn't keep them out more than maybe an hour, so it doesn't become stressed, as long as the temps are good.

As far as A/C, I don't use it either, unless it's 95F (35C). Even if the A/C is set to 75F (~24C) I freeze to death, I can't deal with the cold air coming out of it even if I'd be comfortable at the same temp going outside. I also don't feel comfortable using A/C around my snakes unless it gets above 90F (~32C) and they need it.
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Old 03-21-15, 07:06 PM   #10
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Re: How long can a snake stay out of their cage?

I've watched a full movie with my BP hanging out around my neck. He just curled around me and stayed like that for the whole length. If they are picking up your body heat I've read they can stay out awhile. The back of the neck having a lot of blood vessels it stays pretty warm so he appeared comfortable. Anytime I've tried to put my BP down either in his cage or to weigh him he never wants to let go of me, even being out for over an hour with me. Obviously if you're just letting him go free around your room I wouldn't keep him out that long. If he is in contact with your skin then from what I've read is to judge based on his behaviour because your heat keeps them warm. If he isn't stressed I wouldn't worry, if you notice his attitude change then I'd put him back in his cage.
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