For speed and versatility, nothing digital I've used beats my Olympus 35mm SLR.
My digital is a Nikon 990...older model now, I got it maybe a couple of years ago. It encourages experimentation because there's no film cost, and there's the instant gratification factor. At 3.3 megapixels I can make good prints up to 8X10. Resolution suffers in low light, and there's some limitation involved with lenses. I find an external flash set to bounce is usually necessary since the onboard in this model is next to useless.
I love them both, but use them for different things. The new generation digital cameras are excellent, but it's going to be a while yet before you get the same versatility and quality at comparable prices, IMO. I'm actually pricing medium format these days, but I won't be using that for herps much I think.