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Old 11-07-14, 02:07 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep-2014
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Question Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

So when I sent a relative to pick up some feeders recently he misunderstood and brought me pinky rats and fuzzy rats instead of fuzzy rats and rat pups. Shesha was already too big to eat any of the pinky rats he brought back so I have six of them sitting in the freezer that he will surely never eat. I have emailed the owner of the store they came from and offered to "return" them since they were the wrong size, but without any refund or credit. If he can't take them back or isn't comfortable taking them back to resell (which I could see being a possibility since he has no guarantee that they were properly stored) are there any other options? I may have come to terms with rats dying for my little bp to eat, but I have an issue with the idea of them dying just to be thrown away. I mean they weren't even used in a normal attempted weekly feeding, just extra incorrect feeder stock. I basically view it as four rats are going to be used per month, so I mean if he refused them at a normal feeding that wouldn't seem as wasteful since that was his "budgeted" rat. I may be being oversensitive, and if I have no choice but to just toss them I will, but if there is something I am not thinking of that could make good use of them I would feel much better. Anyone have any suggestions?
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.0 Tremper Leopard Gecko,
0.0.1 Tiger Salamander, 0.1 Chinchilla, 2.0 Cats, 0.1 Chilean Rose Tarantula
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Old 11-07-14, 07:41 AM   #2
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Re: Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

The snake should still be able to eat them even if they are smaller than normal. Just give the snake 2 or 3 of them at a time. I have a large King Snake that will eat my extra pinkie mice if I need him to.
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Old 11-07-14, 08:27 AM   #3
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Re: Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

Everyone needs a "garbage disposal" snake in the collection!

Usually my fiance's beaded lizard will eat anything that doesn't get consumed in my upstairs room. In the basement, the title goes to my boa, or my male EDB.
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Old 11-07-14, 09:19 AM   #4
Jim Smith
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Re: Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

As others have said, feed them to him anyway, he'll eat them just fine.
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Old 11-07-14, 12:12 PM   #5
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Re: Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

How does one go about feeding multiple prey items? Also, I do have a medium sized tiger salamander who is a garbage disposal. I know they love pinkies as a treat but I am not sure how big they should be before they can eat them.
1.0 Pastel Ball Python, 1.0 Tremper Leopard Gecko,
0.0.1 Tiger Salamander, 0.1 Chinchilla, 2.0 Cats, 0.1 Chilean Rose Tarantula
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Old 11-07-14, 12:49 PM   #6
CK SandBoas
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Re: Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

I have a few Kenyan Sand Boas that are my garbage disposal snakes as well as some of my Hoggies. It really helps out when my males decide to stop eating for breeding season, my females will pick up their slack
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Old 11-07-14, 01:07 PM   #7
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Re: Unused feeders, hate to just throw them out..

To feed multiple prey items, you simply give them to the animal one at a time. The snake will constrict and eat one, then you give it another, and so on.
Dr. Viper
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