Here is a pic of his terrarium (36x18x24). I have 2 exoterra tropical bulbs for light and an incandescent indoor plant bulb (50W) for heat during the day, and 2 exoterra 50W night bulbs for night. Temps range from about 73 on the cool side to 85 on the warm side on the ground. The basking spot gets up over 90F. He has 2 hides- one on the cool, one on the warm side and a large water bowl. the plant is live- its a ponytail palm. I also have a substrate heater that I have thought about adding for extra heat during the winter and after feeding. Should I add it too?
Background on the snake:
He belonged to a 10 year old kid who had him in an 18x18x24 exoterra terrarium. They kept lights on him 24 hrs a day, but used the red and blue night bulbs all the time. he also had a small substrate heater that stayed on all the time. No hides in the cage when I got him. temps were no monitored so I have no idea what they were before. Despite the cramped conditions (he is about 4 ft long) and bad lighting, the snake looks very healthy and has been very active for the 3 weeks I have had him. I just moved him to this larger setup 3 days ago and he stays in his hide all of the time- a drastic change in behavior. He last ate about a week ago (no problems, defacated normally), and is due for another meal in 4 days.
As far as shedding, I just got the snake so I dont know when his last shed was. His eyes arent starting to cloud just yet, but his scales are a bit dull looking.
I dont have a pic of the scale problem right this minute, but I'll try to post one this evening.
I really want to make life great for this guy, but am I 'improving' his living conditions too much? I dont want to stress him out!
Any help/advice would be great!