I Have had this ATB for about a year, never gave problem when it came to eating like the rest of the one I have till now,
Top tank temp 88 deg
bottom tank temp 79
Humidity 71%
if I have the top temp any lower then 88 deg she will put her head right under the screen with her mouth open as you can see in the picture.
a good shot of the inside of her mouth,
she started about a month and a half ago but I did not think it was to much of a problem when she ate on 8-18 since then every attempt she just drop the mouse,
when you look at her she will hisssss and open her moth more then closes her mouth and she looks good, like no problem till I leave then she will go back to basking in the heat with her mouth open,
I took her to the vet yesterday just to be told the only snakes he sees are kids pets snakes and snakes for one breeder so it was not good as she is a spicy girl 5 foot girl that had every one in the room on edge.
he agreed with me that her mouth looks good and she has no mouth rot , he also thinks she dose not have a respiratory problem , I have not seen any bubbles ever come out of her mouth..his recommendation was wait two week and see how she is , maybe start her on antibiotics shots..
do I have to worry ? , any thought on what problem it could be ?
thanks for reading