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Old 08-05-14, 11:44 AM   #1
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ball python forced to be rehomed

so this will sound like I want sympathy from others...about a situation and I am not so much after that as I am....just people to understand...

my first snake....well it turns out she is not mine anymore.....

I was having a hard time going over and seeing her as much as I could have and personal drama between to now ex friends.....insued to go on with them

they were having a rocky time with their relationship and I got to deal with a screwed up end to it.

as I said in earlier posts.......I could not keep my girl with me...due to my mom having a household rule of not wanting reptiles in the friend had told me...she was going to keep the snake at her place until me and my boyfriend moved out.

but I did not really get the chance to go over to her place and get to see her as much as I wanted.

my friend did not update me that I needed to purchase her food the last time...and I was not able to have much hands on experince as a newbie snake owner with her in that I had to work around someoneelse's schedule.

as much as I was willing to educate myself and try to take care of her...the point of the whole matter is I can not do much for any snake as long as I live in my mom's house.

but long story short I have lost a friend and a snake...all in the course of one evening...

and this all started cause she heard I was going to be helping take care of some chinchillas a friend could not take care of and I was going to help foster for a little while....

I admit that I could have done more to take care of the snake...but she could have done more to help me take care of her better....and learn...form m mistakes that I was making....with her also.

I am going to school as to learn to be a vet tech I would never ever believe in miss treating an animal.

but I will take my time to learn from my mistakes.....educate myself...and get a snake of my own...and do the main work myself.....and since the next time around it will truly be mine...and be living with me...I am sure I will do better with it all then I did this time around.
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Old 08-05-14, 12:22 PM   #2
Zoo Nanny
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

That's too bad. I hope you are going to wait now until you are able to have a snake in your own home. It's never a good idea to either share an animal or to house it somewhere else with the expectation that the person will be caring for the animal unless of course you were paying her. If you were compensating her for her time I don't blame you for being angry and disappointed.
Zoo Nanny
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Old 08-05-14, 01:40 PM   #3
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

I thought I had made the point to her that I was going to help her take care...of it.....but due to how she was acting I was not really getting the opertunity to take care of her as well as I could have.

but I agree that asking someone else to care for an animals was a bad idea....and it is a hard lesson learned....but now I can learn from this and handle the situation of getting a new snake in a better way in the future
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Old 08-05-14, 05:31 PM   #4
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

i have had falling outs with this person before in the past so I do not know why I thought things would turn out differently this time.

its hard for me to be calm and collected about this when I am so angry about the situation but I am trying to just deal with it as best I can
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Old 08-05-14, 05:32 PM   #5
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

That's a life lesson learned the hard way. A snake is still a life, and that should be very important... taking on the care of a life should be carefully planned. I hope the snake finds a good home.
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Old 08-05-14, 08:07 PM   #6
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

Sorry to hear about your misfortunes but every thing you go through in life is a learning experience and that's what this situation is. When you get your own place you can keep all the animals you want and look after them how you want, also you'll look after them even more then the usual owner because you have gone through that emotional nightmare of thinking about how an animal suffered and was mistreated. Your old buddy is in snake heaven right now feeding on all the mice he could wish for which is of course a far better place then with us humans good luck with your Veterinary Courses and keep your chin up friend
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Old 08-06-14, 09:18 AM   #7
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

well the snake is still alive I am just not be allowed to have her...cause according to this friend....
I was not a good enough mama to her....

but honestly the mistakes I made with her are ones she has been guilty of before in the past too.
the snake will probably be taken fairly good just hurts that something I had bothered to try to rescue myself is no longer...mine....
for fairly BS reasoning too no less

but yes its a learning lesson and when I do get another snake it will be when I live in my OWN place so it will be much better taken care of
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Old 08-06-14, 01:27 PM   #8
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

It kind of sounds like you lost the snake when your mom said "no snakes in the house." I am just glad you had a friend that was able to take it and care for it.
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Old 08-06-14, 03:21 PM   #9
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Re: ball python forced to be rehomed

I am glad the snake has a good place to go...but at the same time it is incredibly annoying and hard to hear someone say you did not care about this did not watch after it close enough.

when I made every effort in the world to go over there to see her I asked if she had eaten again if she needed to.

I felt like I was doing everything I could to take care of her.....except for that she was at somone else's place.

honestly I feel like having her helped a lot with my depression and anxiety too....cause I knew I had to a goo mind set to hold or mess with her at all..

and it kind of forced me to relax.

I was called selfish by this person who I used to think was a true friend......for trying to help a friend......and her animals.

which eh sorry if you have a problem with that you need to get a grip on **** a vet tech a lot of the time you end up taking home foster animals that have no where better to go for a little bit of time.

that does not make me a pet hoarder, or a bad person which she seems to think is the case.

its more just personally insulting to me....more then anything.

if the snake was in a home with me...I would have done everything in the world for that snake and some.

but as you said it was a lesson learned.

in the future i will be better prepared to deal with things.
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