Re: New carpet won't leave hide
Can you post pics of your setup for us? It would help conceptualize what is going on over there. Alot of young snakes prefer to hide, but based on your small description there are a few issues with your husbandry that could make a young carpet stay in hiding. For starters (as you know) your ambient is a little high. That could keep your snake "underground" during the day and only venturing out at night. Your setup is not really permitting thermoregulation. The other thing that stands out immediately is a 15 gallon fishtank. Unless you have cardboard taped over the back and sides, the snake may feel wide open and vulnerable. These are two things right off the bat that I think could be improved (unless you do have part of the glass covered.)
One other suggestion (if you do not already have this) is to offer suitable height. Something as simple as gluing a 1/2" piece of pvc across the top would help alot. Many carpet pythons feel comfortable with heights. When mine was young whenever I held her she would always try to climb up. Even now, when she it out or somewhere new she always looks for a chair a couch or a ladder because height makes her feel secure. If you could offer the snake height with a little cover (fake vines or something), limit the amount of glass it can see out of to reduce its feeling of vulnerability, and drop your ambient temps I thing it will go a long way.
What are you using to measure your temps btw?