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Old 06-06-14, 02:35 AM   #1
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Peculiar post-shed activities

Hello all. Sorry for the absence as of late. Lots of change going on in my life. For the better, I am pleased to say.

I just wanted to share this weird occurrence I was lucky enough to capture. A couple of days ago, I got up for my daily morning run and chanced upon seeing my burm Margherita shedding. Like a perv, I just had to stop and watch her undress. When she finished removing her old scale sock, she started doing this:

(my apologies for the horrendous picture quality - all I had was my iPhone and the sun wasn't even out yet)

It would appear that she was rubbing her back on the substrate. I have two theories as to why. First one being that she wanted to reacquire the scent of her environment. Second being that her skin just felt funny after the shed and she needed a scratch.

Feel free to speculate with me as to why my creature exhibited this sort of behavior.

Also, have you guys ever caught your snakes doing this?
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Old 06-06-14, 08:33 AM   #2
jpsteele80's Avatar
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Re: Peculiar post-shed activities

I can't say I've ever seen a snake do that when shedding, but I also notice everything in that cage is smooth, there is nothing a little rougher to help get that skin off, maybe try putting a branch or something in there for next time
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Old 06-06-14, 02:50 PM   #3
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Re: Peculiar post-shed activities

Id say shes just smart... mine will shed and everything but some strips on her top will come off and she just cant figure it out.. so kudos to yours haha.
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