found this...
link) paper is called "Composition of the defensive secretion of the Neotropical millipede
Rhinocricus padbergi Verhoeff 1938 (Diplopoda: Spirobolida: Rhinocricidae)"
also outlines chemical make up of other species..
...benzoquinones by the species of the
orders Julida, Spirobolida, and Spirostreptida...
both dendrostreptus and Archispirostreptus, are the same family; Spirostreptida
the truely toxic millipedes...
...hydrogen cyanide, cyanogenic compounds and
nitroalkenes by the Polydesmida; and terpenoids by
the Colobognatha...
Savs are well known in Tanzania and Kenya, where dendrostreptus is found. cant find anything to be of concern regarding this sepecies, yet