I had one heck of a time getting mine to eat regularly. I had my temps and humidity all right, I tried not handling, I tried everything. After about six weeks with me he started eating regularly and he is now one of my best eaters. I feed him f/t pinkie mice right now but he is borderline to get stepped up to f/t fuzzy mice.
For caging make sure that it has a tight fitting top! They are small snakes that are great at squeezing into and through small spots. If mine were any smaller I would not use any cages that have sliding screen tops. I would use one that the screen tops sits on top of the tank and locks down with the clips.
Here are a couple of pics of my children's python enclosure... it is a 15 gallon "snug fit" critter tank.
1.1 Columbian BCI, 1.2 Hog Island BCI, 1.0 Irian Jaya Carpet Python, 0.1 Ball Python, 0.1 Children's Python, 1.1 Amazon Tree Boa, 1.1 Dumerils Boa, 1.0 Horned Mntn Dragon, 1.0 Carolina Anole
Last edited by stormyva; 02-07-03 at 10:57 AM..