First and foremost, thanks for the polite responces. Its nice being on a forum where I dont need to fear being flamed all the time
Ill get pics up soon.
She is currently in a 40g breeder. I have most of the screen top sealed with foil and gorilla tape. The only opening is for the lights. She has 8 inches of substrate, 70/30 peat moss and play sand.
5 months old, 10" total length. Her diet is mainly crickets with superworms and mealworms rounding it out. Since coming upon this place I have added pinky mice and want to try earth worms. Ill expore more options after getting this figured out.
Originally I went to an expo for some inverts, but my wife saw this guy and fell in love. After talking to the breeder for 45 minutes, I bought it. Based upon this guys info, I had my monitor set up in the following way for the first 4 months:
108F basking spot
Lights on for 12hrs per day
4" substrate
20g tank
feeding as many crickets as possible
I think that explains the size... and also why its so fat

Tonight im going to add a third 50w halogen on a dimmer to get her basking spot to 135-140F