Originally Posted by Zoo Nanny
Is it maybe a Marcy's Checkered Garter? It's about the right size and pattern looks like it. Herping in Costa Rica must be awesome! Did you see any other herps or animals while there?
I think it probably is the barred forest racer. Thanks all for the thoughts!
As for CR, it was great. Lots of birds, reptiles and then of course monkeys and sloths too. I'll start a Lizard ID thread in hopes that people can help with those, but here's a few of the reptiles I saw:
1) Mexican vine snake
2) Black Spiny-tailed Iguana - these were found all over the place.
3) Green Iguana - not as many as the black spiny-tails, but still saw quite a few!
4) Some kind of anole on the hunt for a butterfly
5) Unidentified lizard catching a snack!