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Old 09-08-04, 10:57 AM   #121
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Fatal Dog Attacks - Canada: 1983 - 2003

1983 (2) Farm Dogs Roaming dogs kill child (Edmonton)
1987 (1) German Shep X Chained dog attacked child (Vernon)
1988 (1) German Shep Unsupervised child (Quebec)
1990 (1) Chow Chow Attack on newborn (Ontario)
1993 (1) Sled dogs Chained dogs kill child (N.W.T.)
1993 (5) Sled dogs Attacked by loose dogs (Alberta)
1994 (1) Maremma Sheepdog Family dog killed child (Ontario)
1995 (2) Am Staffs Drunken man provoked dogs (Ontario)
1995 (2) German Sheps Killed by uncle's dogs (Saskatchewan)
1996 (?) Strays Child killed by stray dogs (Manitoba)
1997 (1) Sled dog Chained dog w/pups (Saskatchewan)
1998 (?) Sled dogs Pack chained on sea ice (Iqaluit)
1998 (1) Bullmastiff Playing w/neighbor's dog (Ontario)
1998 (8) Lab/Huskies Xs Mother & son killed by pack (Newfoundland)
1998 (6) Strays Boy killed by strays (Manitoba)
1999 (1) Husky X Neighbor's dog (British Columbia)
1999 (1) Husky One of 24 chained dogs (Quebec)
1999 (1) Husky X Grandfather's dog (N.W.T.)
1999 (?) Strays Girl killed by starving dogs (Alberta)
2002 (2) Lab X & Rott Attacked in field (Ontario)
2003 (3) Rottweilers Boy wandered into yard (New Brunswick)
2003 (4) German Shep Xs Grandmother's dogs (Manitoba)

Some stats pulled directly from the National Canine research Foundation website................

Definately a site to check out to get real info on this issue.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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Old 09-08-04, 02:52 PM   #122
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These are only partial statistics.
They in no way reflect all attacks (fatal or not) in Canada over this time period.
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Old 09-08-04, 03:00 PM   #123
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I know this because I indirectly work for Stats-Can and have all access to all statisics about everything and anything.
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Old 09-08-04, 03:13 PM   #124
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Great! Because I'd love to see the statistics they do have regarding dog bites. Can you please post them or point us where so we can see them?

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Old 09-08-04, 03:16 PM   #125
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Fez is HOT! :::drool::: =)
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Old 09-08-04, 03:51 PM   #126
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I didn't say anything about it reflecting all attacks fatal or not did I? That is also from an American site so of course it doesn't reflect Canada's stats perfectly that is why I provided a link to show all of the info they have.

As Marisa said I'd love to see those stats as well, please do point us in the right direction. If they in any way resemble the US stats on these subjects it will be just as clear that breed bans don't work.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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Old 09-08-04, 03:55 PM   #127
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I wasn't aware that stats canada kept records of all reported bites/attacks, that would be very interesting and usefull info. If you can share this with us all to help shed more light on the subject it would be appreciated.

"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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Old 09-08-04, 04:03 PM   #128
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I hate to be the man who spoiled all the fun for you guys.. But his name is FES.. And it stands for Foreign Exchange Student!! You son of a b..........
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Old 09-08-04, 07:07 PM   #129
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If any of you are a member of the conference board of canada, or work for a company who puchases data charts from them you can look them up. Some are free to the public.
It would be illegal for me to post the exact page of statistics but I will compile a list that will not violate any copywrites.
I still find it hard to believe that the numbers were that low in the states for that long a time period. Those stats would more reflect a monthly or bi-monthly term.
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Old 09-08-04, 08:47 PM   #130
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Those are not US statistics, they are canadian stats put together by the US run site who are trying to compile worldwide stats on fatal dog attacks.

Please visit the site, if I remember correctly they listed 250-300 fatal dog attacks from the 1960's to present in a nation with a massive human and dog population. Now, that is coming from the National Canine Research Foundation and I may be naive but I'm willing to take their word on the subject.
"As you slide down the banister of life, may their be no splinters pointing the wrong way."

0.1 Eastern Indigo, 1.0 Hypo Bullsnake, 4.9 Corn Snakes, 0.1 Western Hognose, 0.2 Crested Geckos, 1.0 Bearded Dragon, 0.0.1 Savannah Monitor.
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Old 09-09-04, 10:39 AM   #131
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I say good day to you then....
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Old 09-09-04, 10:57 AM   #132
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Fez, Fes... who cares??? Still HOT!! LOL =)

P.S. Stats would be interesting...
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Old 09-09-04, 12:30 PM   #133
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Originally posted by Samba
Fez, Fes... who cares??? Still HOT!! LOL =)

P.S. Stats would be interesting...
Foreign Exchange Ztudent it is then... Wilmer wouldn't be impressed right now guys.. :P
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Old 09-09-04, 01:10 PM   #134
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LOL Matt... you have to admit... they do pronounce it FEZZZZZZ. =)

P.S. Still very, VERY HOT!!! =)
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Old 09-09-04, 01:17 PM   #135
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I was just skimming through this thread, but this stuck out to me.

they were bred for their endurance, their "gameness" for those of you whom don't understand it's their ability to keep going in a fight, regardless of the fact they may be mortally wounded (ie. internal organs dragging behind them). Now in regards to their aggression...this is nonsence these dogs were selectively bred so that agression would NOT be a problem. to prove this point, during pit fights if the opposite owner couldn't handle the others pittbull, it was immediately put down, and the same goes for breeding, if say a male pitty bit their owner, or anyone else, it, along with all of its pups were also immediately destroyed. (keep in mind this type of selective breeding stopped about 30 years ago) the problem with the breed today is these "backyard breeders" who think it's cool to have a "tuff" dog. and anyone who labels this breed as agressive...well your about as well informed as a kindergarten kid, go do the research on this breeds history, cause to date their isn't a breed out their that can claim the title of "loyal till death" like the American PittBull Terrier can...

Yes, you are correct, they can keep fighting after a serious wound and are very tough dogs. How do i know this? Because i was attacked by a Pitbull. After inflicting serious damage to a leg, it lunged for my throat. Luckily I got my arm between his jaws and my neck. So he tried again, and again he only got my arm (which was covered in blood by this point). Luckily the gods were on my side, and it sounds odd, but when i looked down, there was a tire iron on the ground. On his 3rd try for my throat, i managed to get the iron and swung it at his head as hard as I could. I hit this dog in head with a hunk of steel as hard as i could (luckily my right arm had not been torn up). This stunned him enough for me to get to safety. So yes, i am a bit jaded against pits. Of course that same dog bit 2 kids as well. Was he put down? nope. he was studded out. Was this an isolated experience? Nope. i have seen 4 people get attacked by pitbulls with no provocation. The history of the breed is irrelevant. It does not matter that founding stock was bred to be personable. What matters is that it is not the case anymore. Immoral breeders do not care. They just want to sell their "product". Personally, i feel that Pitbulls should be classified as dangerous animals, just like venomous snakes. Normal owners cannot imagine the power of these animals until you have one trying to kill you. And in my experience, they are one of the most unpredicatable breeds. I also think there should be premits to keep them and strict housing requirements. A free roaming Pitbull is a disaster waiting to happen, as are many other breeds of dog.

I cannot stand irresponsible ownership of dangerous animals. To those of you who keep the animal confined, spend the time to train it well, and offer proper care, good for you. Unfortunately, you are a minority. Far too many people's dogs roam free. I do not tolerate this behavior. If ANY dog comes into my yard and i feel that it poses a danger to myself or my family, it will go down. My old roomate was attacked by a dog in our dirveway. I am an advocate of people's rights to own whatever animals that they wish given they are qualified and responsible. Unfortunately, from my experience, 90% of Pit keepers are NOT qualified or responsible. And i truly feel sorry for those dogs. I even feel sorry for the ones that attack people. It is not always their fault. But that does not mean that it willnot go down. I have a rule. If a dog is charging me, most breeds i give 10 feetaway before putting it down. Pitbulls, I give 25 feet. This is of course if they start that far away. If Pits start closer than that, then any movement that i percieve as a prelude to attack, i will not hesitate to fire. Just one more reason for Pit owners to keep their dogs secure.

Keep what you like, just be responsible.
I planted some bird seed. A bird came up. Now I don't know what to feed it.
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