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Old 10-01-04, 03:04 PM   #91
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I go there for the ARTICLES.
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Old 10-01-04, 03:22 PM   #92
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LOL Matt

Heather - Whoa. Ok, I knew all of the details in the story, except for the possible sexual abuse of the dogs. Now THAT'S crazy!!!

Thanks for sending me that story, I appreciate it!
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Old 10-01-04, 03:56 PM   #93
critical bill
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People......its whats for dinner. Woof woof
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Old 10-01-04, 04:25 PM   #94
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1.1 normal bci's 1.1 100%het albino 1.0 beardeds 0.0.4 crested geckos
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Old 10-01-04, 06:08 PM   #95
Tim and Julie B
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Tim and I own 1 Stafforshire Terrier and 1 American Stafforshire Terrier (the term "pit bull" no longer applies because they are no longer used in "pit" fights) and they are the sweetest dogs ever. ANY dog can be trained to be aggressive, it is not a trait that can be gained through genetics. I can see how people are afraid of large breeds, I myself was attacked by a HUGE German Shepherd when I was a kid, and was scared of dogs for a long time there after. I have also been attacked by a mini Eskimo, 3 toy poodles and a black lab. The people who owned the Sheperd had a case file a mile wide on their dogs attacking people, once even ripping a 5 year old to pieces. They were still allowed to keep dogs. Sad, but true.

Now, wouldn't it be better, since we live in a "free" country, to allow anyone the right to own the dog of their choice? Of course, but perhaps there should be rules put in place (regarding dogs). Here's what I mean:

1. Any person who owns an animal (dogs) capable of causing serious harm (all canines) should be made to pay $xx per annum to license said animal.

2. If said animal (dog) should be found by animal control the amount per annum will double from $xx to $xx.

3. If said animal is found responsible for a malicious act the owner will be fined $xx and the animal will be put to rest.

4. The owner of said animal may NOT own another dog for a minimum of 2 years (?)

5. No person shall breed dogs for profit unless the Dame and Sire are legally registered and the owner has a viable permit.

6. Dogs CANNOT be "given" away unless as a gift.
(this prevents thousands being given away in papers)

I know that this is a "juvenile" example, I don't make laws so it's just my example. I don't think that it would be good to prevent people from choosing what dog they would like to own. Another way to help prevent these problems is to force anyone getting a dog to spay or neuter, which would be easy if it were a law. (though I know that some people just have to break laws) I would also like to see everyone reading this thread to look up the statistics of dog attacks in Canada and the US. I think you'll find "pitties" nowhere near the top of the list. Well thanks everyone for reading my little bit, looking forward to any responses

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Old 10-01-04, 06:16 PM   #96
Tim and Julie B
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Please read the information on this site. It is something everyone should take a look at whether you have dogs or not

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Old 10-02-04, 04:51 PM   #97
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I feel very bad for this breed. It's such a shame they have such a bad rep. True these animals are very strong but they are known for incrediable intelligence and suberb loyality. These are just one of my favorate breeds.

I feel though that their intellgence and ability to learn so quickly works against them. I feel this is the main reason why these animals were/are used to protect homes. They learn commands quick so it most definatly is not fair to the breed or anyone to condem these animals for the acts of sheer stupidity such as uneducated people and the illresponsability of the owners.

A person I knew had a 3 yr old Bull before I moved away. But the animal, my god, I never seen a more loving animal. Her daughter at the time was just 4 yrs old. I swear, it was like the dog saw the child as her puppy. One day, she was putting her daughter in the bed and the Bull was in the same room at the time as the mother. When she layed it in the bed and walked away, leaving me in the room with the dog. I was petting the dog(cant remember the name now of the animal), the dog bounded up a stool of some sort and hopped onto the temporary bed before I could stop her, lol, so she wouldnt wake the baby. The dog flopped down and curled its body around the baby and began to lick the hair causing a cow lick and continued to lick the neck and face. It looked like the dog was giving the baby a bath.

It was quite cute, but yep, the child woke up, lol.
Jessica "Jess" Bruce
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Last edited by zero&stich; 10-02-04 at 04:56 PM..
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Old 10-02-04, 09:41 PM   #98
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That dog was probably "tasting" the poor child like this dog is. LOL! They are real killers!
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Old 10-02-04, 09:49 PM   #99
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Syco - This is a bit delayed.
"Why not in a house? What is the alternative? Outside in a fenced yard, chained up? I don't understand what you are saying here. "
I wasn't very specific, my mistake. Someone down my street has a pit who've I've seen twice in the 5 years I've lived her. They keep her inside all the time, except for the odd run of the yard to go to the washroom. She's never walked, they live in a small bungalo and have a tiny yard. This is what I mean by "in a house".

Sorry for the confusion.
Does anyone know about updates on the laws against/about the pits?
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Old 10-03-04, 09:36 AM   #100
John Doe
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I wonder if someone heard or saw the story of the female Staff, who adopted a baby lori, (small parott), and she was even feeding the bird, same way she would do to feed her puppys. I saw it on a TV show and, i was not surprised of the fact she adopted a bird, because Maggie, my AmStaff, love and take care of all the animals in the houseold, even rats, birds and snakes, but as far as i'm concerned, it was the first time that i was seeing a bird being breast fed by a dog. It was strange but how cute.
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