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View Poll Results: How is my husbandary so far?
Bad! The savs will die soon. 2 20.00%
Not so good, they will suffer. 2 20.00%
Good. They will do ok as pets for 1 generation. 6 60.00%
Really good! They will thrive, and be able to breed. 0 0%
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Old 03-25-13, 06:28 PM   #76
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
No the burrows are like 75(due to the tank being in the basement) but above ground it's now 84F, whereas it was 75 very lowest before.

ok, I will change to low wattage halogen, But I need more advise before this switch...cuzz night time temps will drop(I'm in canada) without the light and I'm not sure I should keep the lights on all night, so once night time comes and lights turn off, without the CHE the cage will be too cold.
It`s o.k, so long as the coolest ambient (air) is around 75f in the hides/burrows. The problem with the 150w CHE in particular is it`s drying out the air (lowering the humidity) during the day when the monitors are active (obviously it will rise at night when the basking bulb is off, and they are resting in their hides). Providing there are always cooler, darker places to retreat to, it`s fine to keep the heat/lights on 24/7 if you wish (or at least `til the warmer weather comes).
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Old 03-25-13, 06:34 PM   #77
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
What about some sort of heatpad to keep night time temps on the warmside up? I would suggest a ceramic heater but you'd have moisture issues I guess. I'm curious as well how people keep there cages warm at night if they keep them in basements...

i use a heat emitter and have no issues with humidity dropping in my tank..but my tank it built right. anyway. my ambients are always high.. my cool side is mid 80's and my hot side is around 100 my basking 152 degrees this is and i just leave it.. he doesn't seem to mind.. his borrows are mid 70's usually.
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Old 03-26-13, 06:49 AM   #78
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

My CHE is one 24/7 and at night the CHE is what keeps the cage's cold end at 75F, without the CHE night time temp would be too cold for monitors to survive.

Day time, the CHE combined with the other bulb will yield 130F for basking spot. So it's perfect, and the cold end was 75-80F before.. but now the weather is warmer and the basking spot is still 130F but cold end temp is now 85F.

so I think even if I change the basking spot to use 3 halogens, as long as I make it add up to 130F basking, the result on the cold end will still be facing the same problem, being, everything is good during winter seasons, but when summer hits, the temp is thrown off... to get the left side to cool off will mean lowering the basking temp which is not good.

Only thing I can think of now is to lower basking temp, but raise the wooden log basking spot so the basking spot is closer to the lights to see if it will be 130.

I'll need to try that out.
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Old 03-26-13, 07:09 AM   #79
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
My CHE is one 24/7 and at night the CHE is what keeps the cage's cold end at 75F, without the CHE night time temp would be too cold for monitors to survive.

Day time, the CHE combined with the other bulb will yield 130F for basking spot. So it's perfect, and the cold end was 75-80F before.. but now the weather is warmer and the basking spot is still 130F but cold end temp is now 85F.

so I think even if I change the basking spot to use 3 halogens, as long as I make it add up to 130F basking, the result on the cold end will still be facing the same problem, being, everything is good during winter seasons, but when summer hits, the temp is thrown off... to get the left side to cool off will mean lowering the basking temp which is not good.

Only thing I can think of now is to lower basking temp, but raise the wooden log basking spot so the basking spot is closer to the lights to see if it will be 130.

I'll need to try that out.
Is 85 ambient air? how warm is the cool side inside the burrows? Have you tried running a heatpad on high and checking the substrate temps. I made the mistake of checking air temps and found it was about 72 in my older cage, and when I checked inside the burrow he was hanging out in, it was about 80...Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as his burrow is warm enough, (not hot though) and hes familiar with where to go during cold coniditions, you could have a layer of snow in his cage over night and he would be fine....

You'd be surprised how cold africa can get during the night, theres no cloud cover, the fluctuations between day and night work much differently than it does here. But admittedly I learned from FR, just worry about what the temps in his burrows are for night time temp, more than ambient.

Last edited by smy_749; 03-26-13 at 07:15 AM..
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Old 03-26-13, 07:16 AM   #80
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by murrindindi View Post
It`s o.k, so long as the coolest ambient (air) is around 75f in the hides/burrows. The problem with the 150w CHE in particular is it`s drying out the air (lowering the humidity) during the day when the monitors are active (obviously it will rise at night when the basking bulb is off, and they are resting in their hides). Providing there are always cooler, darker places to retreat to, it`s fine to keep the heat/lights on 24/7 if you wish (or at least `til the warmer weather comes).
OK, yes the burrow temps is around 75F... This could explain why they didn't bask much yesterday and was not out as much, perhaps the temp is too high above ground so they stay under to keep cool.. but I'm not sure if that's a good thing.. I still think the cold side above ground should be a 75F so they have the choise to come out if they want right? What do you think?
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Old 03-26-13, 07:17 AM   #81
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by DeadlyDesires View Post
i use a heat emitter and have no issues with humidity dropping in my tank..but my tank it built right. anyway. my ambients are always high.. my cool side is mid 80's and my hot side is around 100 my basking 152 degrees this is and i just leave it.. he doesn't seem to mind.. his borrows are mid 70's usually.
With your cool side around mid 80s does your sav come out and roam lots or mostly hiding underground. cuzz mine were roaming like crazy active guys when cool side was 75F, and yesterday at 85, they were hardly out. could be coincidence.
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Old 03-26-13, 07:29 AM   #82
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

The extra heat wont keep them from coming out, if thats what you are worried about. If anything, it should make them a little more active. Optimal body temps are in the mid to high 90s so a cool side of mid 80s isnt problematic.
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Old 03-26-13, 07:46 AM   #83
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by smy_749 View Post
Is 85 ambient air? how warm is the cool side inside the burrows? Have you tried running a heatpad on high and checking the substrate temps. I made the mistake of checking air temps and found it was about 72 in my older cage, and when I checked inside the burrow he was hanging out in, it was about 80...Correct me if I'm wrong, but as long as his burrow is warm enough, (not hot though) and hes familiar with where to go during cold coniditions, you could have a layer of snow in his cage over night and he would be fine....

You'd be surprised how cold africa can get during the night, theres no cloud cover, the fluctuations between day and night work much differently than it does here. But admittedly I learned from FR, just worry about what the temps in his burrows are for night time temp, more than ambient.
I'm gonna have to double check the night temp of burrow, but night temp of ambient is 75 cold end. I think the burrow wouldn't be that cold as they get up each day.. but I'll need to put a probe in to be sure. thx for the idea.
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Old 03-26-13, 07:47 AM   #84
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by jarich View Post
The extra heat wont keep them from coming out, if thats what you are worried about. If anything, it should make them a little more active. Optimal body temps are in the mid to high 90s so a cool side of mid 80s isnt problematic.
OK that's good to know they are not suffering from stroke hehe.. May I please ask how long you have had your savs, or monitor in that env, and how they are doing etc? thx
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Old 03-26-13, 06:13 PM   #85
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
With your cool side around mid 80s does your sav come out and roam lots or mostly hiding underground. cuzz mine were roaming like crazy active guys when cool side was 75F, and yesterday at 85, they were hardly out. could be coincidence.
mine is in and out in and out all day long... sleeps in his borrows but hang outside of the borrow during the day in his other hiding places he likes. (on the hot end where its almost 100) ambient.
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Old 03-27-13, 04:01 PM   #86
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Coming out of his burrow, all muddy.
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Old 03-27-13, 04:06 PM   #87
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Cute little guy!

As for my own monitor, while my own personal experience is relatively short (my monitor is only 2), those temps and parameters are ones that have been used for generations of monitors successfully.
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Old 03-28-13, 12:30 PM   #88
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Woohoo! After over 1 week of behind the window abservation, Potato, the most restless of my savs finally doesn't feel the need to run away from me. Strangely, he always runs away when my family walks by, but not me.. not sure if it's a coincidence but it happened time after time.. I kind of doubt the can recognize a person, but wishful thinking..

Anyways, since he's no longer scared of me even when I opened the door, I put a thawed silk worm in front of his face slowly, and he didn't know what it was at first, but one lick and he went crazy and started biting on my tong, then got the worm.. put another worm on my tong and he came to get it!
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Old 03-28-13, 12:40 PM   #89
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Originally Posted by nepoez View Post
Woohoo! After over 1 week of behind the window abservation, Potato, the most restless of my savs finally doesn't feel the need to run away from me. Strangely, he always runs away when my family walks by, but not me.. not sure if it's a coincidence but it happened time after time.. I kind of doubt the can recognize a person, but wishful thinking..

Anyways, since he's no longer scared of me even when I opened the door, I put a thawed silk worm in front of his face slowly, and he didn't know what it was at first, but one lick and he went crazy and started biting on my tong, then got the worm.. put another worm on my tong and he came to get it!

Hi, they must definitely CAN distinguish between people!
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Old 03-28-13, 12:42 PM   #90
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Re: Savannah Monitor Redemption

Im pretty sure they can recognize their owner.
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