Originally Posted by dinosaurdammit
It is for me, i dont have the fancy stuff most people do and usually have to do things the hard way plus i only have a lap top with a track pad- so its aggravating to do half the time although it doesnt stop me from doing things it just takes forever and a day
It's not "bad". It's just a lot harder than people think, as is a lot of things with graphic design (a term I often loathe). Graphic design is a lot more than playing around with Photoshop. There are fundamental principles of design that come into play, principles that actually apply across the board in fine arts, graphics, web design, animation, film, photography, etc. And knowing those principles helps one create GREAT logos instead of "okay-lookin" logos.
And it comes with a price. Professional designers take some form of training for it, whether it was a few classes or a degree. Either way, you can evaluate them by looking at their portfolio. Just like any vocation, they charge a fee to provide a service. It is frustrating when people balk at the price, saying something to the effect of "Why so much? All you do is just draw, right?" I would just slide the sketchpad toward them, and reply "Okay, if it's so easy, you do it. Have a nice day."
So many folks want to get a logo done for this or that, they don't want to pay a pro to do it, so they get their brother-in-law's nephew's cousin who has a bootlegged copy of Photoshop to do it for free. And it usually ends up looking like crap. Again I state: you get what you pay for. You want a logo to represent your company or organization, something easily recognizable whether its on a business card or a billboard.
Sorry for the rant. Regrettably, this year I am closing down my graphic design business and more or less, ceasing any pursuit of a career in the arts. Its simply not worth the taxes and effort to keep it going, because I cannot make enough money doing it, because no one wants to pay for it.