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Old 08-31-04, 05:04 PM   #61
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So, if they do ban Pit Bulls, since that's the only breed they're tossing around now.. What makes them think for one second that people aren't going to start owning Rotti's and training them in the manner they trained (or didn't train) their Pits?? And when they ban the Rotti's they'll start to use Boxers, then Akita and the list goes on and on and on..
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Old 08-31-04, 05:43 PM   #62
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This may have already been covered, but ALL dogs could be lawed into wearing a muzzle when in public. Also, ANY unleashed / muzzled dog's owner could be fined heavily if found in non compliance.
Thirdly, the owner of any dog that attacks / harms someone should be charged with assault / battery / manslaughter....whatever the case may be. This would probably weed out the "Tough Guy" dog owners that have the Pit Bull, or whatever, as an ego booster.

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Old 08-31-04, 06:12 PM   #63
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The problem with using a muzzle out in public is, Some people have dogs trained in personal protection. (just to name one reason) These dogs aren't much good if they are unable to protect there owners.
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Old 08-31-04, 06:17 PM   #64
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After reading these posts I'd just like to add my 2 cents worth! First off I don't really think we should ban the breed. I think it's the owners of dogs who has bite that should be banned from owning any dogs. I truly believe many(I'm not saying all) people who purchase pitbulls, rottis, dobermans etc do so as a status. To say look how tough I am! A well socialized puppy who has not been abused or made to purposely show aggression is not likely to attack anyone regardless of the breed. We always had a doberman growing up and yes he was protective of us but he never bit anyone!
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Old 08-31-04, 09:15 PM   #65
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Originally posted by Shad0w
OK... so how many of you herpers would accept someone walking down the street with a large retic or african rock, or better yet a nice hot species like a gaboon viper and exposing it to people?

Would you consider such a person irresponsible?

I would.

So whats the difference with dog owners?
Its time dog owners act responsible and condemn people that keep such animals and expose them to the public in ANY way. Face it, pitbulls were bred to express desired features for the purpose they were made, for fighting and attacking...

Furthermore, Im sick and tired of dog owners saying that the public just does not understand the breed!

The public does not have to understand the breed, no dog should be a danger to ANYONE.. if it is, it should be considered a weapon.
The public has the RIGHT to safety period!

The maiming and attacking needs to be stopped.
Thank god it looks like this breed will finally be banned as they are in winnipeg, london, germany, etc....

I'm not sure what your point is. You said:

OK... so how many of you herpers would accept someone walking down the street with a large retic or african rock, or better yet a nice hot species like a gaboon viper and exposing it to people?

Would you consider such a person irresponsible?

I would.

So whats the difference with dog owners?
I think that is what the majority of people in this thread are saying. It is the owners who are guilty... not the brred of dog. But then you say:

The public does not have to understand the breed, no dog should be a danger to ANYONE.. if it is, it should be considered a weapon.
The public has the RIGHT to safety period!

The maiming and attacking needs to be stopped.
Thank god it looks like this breed will finally be banned as they are in winnipeg, london, germany, etc....

Well it's not the breeds fault. It is how it is raised by the owner... you shouldn't the breed because of stupid people. If your going to attack the problem... go straight to the source.
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Old 08-31-04, 09:20 PM   #66
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Originally posted by Shad0w
Like i said.. this breed attracts the wrong kind of people
Yes but if you ban a certain breed, those same people that are causing the problems now will just go on to other brres of dogs. shepards, dobermans, ect.....
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Old 08-31-04, 09:25 PM   #67
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oh no... I understand what your saying, but what i'm saying is .... if you ban pitbulls, those same owners will just go out and get another breed of dog and raise it the same way as they did the pitbull. As a result... you now have a different breed of dog attacking people.
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Old 08-31-04, 09:37 PM   #68
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Personally i think it is no different for people to ban a breed or kill a breed. I mean if they ban the pits then no more pits(all gone) the next breed to go is rotti,then labs,then who knows,it does not make any sense.what are they going to do take all the pits and kill thats smart. So what they are saying is if 3 red people go and hurt someone eles then all the red people should be ban or killed then. ( no pun intended)
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Old 08-31-04, 09:38 PM   #69
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Well that would be a good start... and then have them under go some sort of program to educate them on dog behaviour.
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Old 08-31-04, 09:54 PM   #70
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Pit Bulls were bred to fight and as a result are a little mental, just like most of their owners.

They should be banned.

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Old 08-31-04, 10:02 PM   #71
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Originally posted by PaulBar
Pit Bulls were bred to fight and as a result are a little mental Paul

Where is this documented... I would like to read more about it.
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Old 08-31-04, 10:17 PM   #72
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Originally posted by leoncurrie
Where is this documented... I would like to read more about it.
Just what I thought... you have none.
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Old 08-31-04, 10:21 PM   #73
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Oh.. and how about making it mandatory to have all dogs spade / nutered so that we get rid of the back yard breeders and only allow registered and controlled breeders to sell dogs?
Finally something that makes more sense than the "just ban them" comments..........this is exactly what needs to happen. Not only would the number of dogs ending up in shelters decrease but the dogs being bred would be stable and tested as most legit breeders do as common practice.

Pit Bulls were bred to fight and as a result are a little mental, just like most of their owners.
Nobody disputes the Pitbulls history as a fighter in the pits against other dogs/other animals but did everone miss the stats someone posted earlier about the incredible stats in temperament tests? Do a little research on Pitbulls as therapy dogs and many other incredible jobs that they are capable of. The source of attacks by Pitbulls is Human from start to finish....from back yard breeders breeding unstable dogs to then selling them to unstable owners who yes buy them for the status symbol or for even worse reasons. Many of these dogs live lives that would make most people sick, of course you rarely hear about the owners or the conditions these dogs were kept.
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Old 08-31-04, 10:33 PM   #74
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I would like to share a story with everyone that just happened me to me under 4 hours ago..

During the second intermission of the Canada vs. USA hockey game, I took my dog (Pit Bull) for a walk down to the park so she could do her business (i always pick up her mess).. At the park I bumped into 2 friends of mine and was talking to them for a few minutes.. 2 of their friends later showed up and we were just sitting around having this very same debate.. A couple minutes went by and I noticed a man across the street walking his dog, a Rottweiler.. He was bent down petting his dog while she was sitting looking over at the group of us talking.. Not two minutes later I heard loud barking and claws on pavement.. I look up only to see the Rotti coming right for us.. This startled my dog who in turn started barking.. I asked the guy why he let his dog off the leash to which he replied, 'she slipped out of her collar ****ole'.. This didn't sit well with me and I asked him in a not so nice manner why he had his dog wearing a collar that didn't fit, again, he called me the same name and started walking towards me.. All the while, his dog is clawing at my legs and trying to get at my dog.. I am inbetween the two of them as I do not want anything to happen with either of these dogs...

After about two minutes, he made it across the street and was swearing with name calling as I told him he needs to get his dog on a it's leash and calmed down.. He couldn't comprehend that he was in the wrong here.. After a few minutes, he finally grabbed his dog, who by the way, was still barking, snarling and jumping up at me.. At this point I was very frustrated and told him what I thought of him.. He then asked one of my friends to hold his dog so he could kick my ***.. My initial reaction, I laughed at him.. I just laughed histarically.. I didn't know what else to do.. So, he's now in my face and the smell of alcohol is over powering my anger.. I decided to be the bigger man and back up and tell him to just be on his way.. Still, he is telling me that he's going to kick my *** and that he better not see me around here again.. It was like something out of The Outsiders or a bad Western.. Still, this MAN, cause that's what he was, in his late 30's was trying to fight me..

THESE are the types of owners that are giving us GOOD owners a bad name.. As much as I LOVE dogs of ALL breeds, anyone that owns one of these breeds that are in the spotlight right now for all the WRONG reasons, need's to be extra carefull when having their dog out in public.. Whether or not this Rotti was friendly, meant nothing to me, the simple fact that the government is lobbying for an outright BAN on Pit Bulls (it wont stop there) right now, pisses me off to see that this IDIOT is allowing his Rotti to run around off a leash..

How many of us here walk the streets with our Burms or Retics and let them wander the streets far ahead of us?? Or let them approach a group of people? Why should it be any different with a dog of ANY breed??? Many people have a fear of Reptiles, and we all respect that, MANY people have fears of Dogs, including one of the guys I was talking with, and this guy has his dog running around snarling and jumping up at people..

I have seen the point made a few times already, that we need to take responsibility for our animals, Everyone that said that is RIGHT ON.. It's a real shame that there are so many people that just can't use a leash or can't keep their dogs under control, and what's even worse, these are the same people that are making it hell on us RESPONSIBLE owners..

Sorry for rambling on, I just wanted to get that off my chest..

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Old 09-01-04, 08:07 AM   #75
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Amazing point Lisa Marie....with all the talk of increasing numbers of dog attacking humans, its amazing more people don't think about the fact the reverse of those statistics are HUGE. MILLIONS of dogs are beaten, fought, abused and tortured.

And people wonder why some bite, then, want to ban them or kill the breed for it.

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