Originally Posted by brandonh
I agree we can know each other!
They sure act big and tough when they want to lol
yeah he should try it he would like it lol they are amazing creatures
that is certainly alot of animals you got there
haha sweet! made a friend!
haha she does, turbo's just chill.
he'll hold turbo.
funny thing about turbo is, when we got him, the guy said he was vicious and bit everyone.
i was nervous to hold him at first, so i made my fiance.
turbo has yet to bit us.
very laid back.
Turbo's more his then he is mine.... even though im thr one who takes care of them :P
and yes! see, i have this thing where if i see an animal that needs a home, or is hurt, i have to help it. kinda a habit.
it's gotten me into a lot of trouble, numerous occasions.
i have this tendency to save kittens, and i've almost gotten kicked out, not once, but twice because i bring in a flea covered stray kitten from outside.
opps. its just so cute and fluffy.