Re: new corn snake set up
I kept my first BP in a natural viv for several years; it worked out beautifully. Only reason he isn't in one now is because we've been remodeling and there's been a huge amount of construction dust. The worst is over, though, so I'm hoping to get him back into a natural viv and get my other BPs and milk snakes into natural vivs as well. Philippe De Vosjoli's book is a fantastic resource. I used a sterile potting mixture without perlite (you don't want them to ingest perlite, but you want organic matter for the plants) and incorporated pothos, ZZ plant, and Sansevieria into the viv. Springtails are good to help decompose leftover snake feces. The key to making this work is to clean out large fecal deposits and stir the soil every week with a fork or something--in nature, earthworms and other burrowing insects/critters stir the soil up and aerate it, but in a viv, you have to do it or you can get a nonaerobic bacterial colony going, which isn't good.
Beautiful work, poison123!
"Always carry a large flagon of whiskey in case of snakebite, and furthermore always carry a small snake." W. C. Fields