The only reason why I questioned your expertise, was to clarify that those comments you made were just opinions... you were talking in a very matter of fact kinda way.. to me, thats very different from an opinion.
Regarding your other comments about homeless / starving / sick people...
First off, there is more than enough resorces to go around the ENTIRE world... the problem with that is social / economic / political... its all about the MONEY! Not that we do not have the ability to feed everyone, cause I would suggest.. WE DO!...
Regarding disease, how the heck does that have anything to do with population vs progress?
In fact, we have come a VERY far way with cancer and HIV treatments.
In fact, take a look a few hundred years ago.. people were dying of allot more disease than what they are now... ie: bubonic plague, small pox, influenza, simple bacterial infection.... a common cold killed, even child birth killed allot of mothers / babies... do u honestly think we are worse off now than what we were say 200 years ago???
Recall how common it used to be for almost every mother to have lost children during child birth, or a childhood illness... it was the NORM!!! not any more!
Anyhow... I hope you are not getting the impression that Im trying to attack ya, cause Im not... I just love engaging in a good debate... even if I do not agree with your opinion, I respect it.