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Old 10-01-04, 09:55 AM   #46
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Thats like saying.. if I set up my yard with land mines, and someone decides to hop my fence and cross my yard.. its OKAY that he gets blown up and killed... same logic...

The dogs pose a danger to human, they dont have the capability of knowing the differnece between a bad guy and a good guy.. so they just attack...

Any dog that attacks a human that poses no danger is WRONG! and to reward that kind of behavior is irresponsible and unsocial!
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Old 10-01-04, 09:57 AM   #47
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BTW.. these dogs were not trying to contain and hold this boy.. they were trying to tear him apart...
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Old 10-01-04, 09:59 AM   #48
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Shad0w
Defend the dogs as you Will Samba, (I understand you are defending your dogs)

There is still no excuse... the animals pose an inherent danger to people, rightfully, they should be destroyed.

Not if a person is on the animals property. Yes I agree that a dog at large attacks someone, they should be put down.

But, a dog or dogs that are trained as guard dog and never leave the yard. In this case the boy knew the people he was cutting the lawn for had these dogs as he cuts on a reg. basis. They were just defending thier territory...

Really each case if different...
Jon Dona

Fox has one of those new reality shows at eight, 'Fast animals, slow children
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Old 10-01-04, 09:59 AM   #49
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It is dangerous and threatening to ANY dog to have his home INVADED by a stranger. As for the land mines... he, I just hope no one jumps in my backyard!!! (Actually, my dogs would probably lick them to death) LOL

Now, I'm sure if the owners invited the *same* person through their home and into the backyard the dogs would NOT have attacked because they know right away their 'Alpha' leaders (their owners) have approved the visitation of this person. Dogs aren't stupid, just people.

This thread is so NOT turning out how I wanted it to...

BTW, Thanks Syco (sp?) I really appreciate you posting those stories! Believe it or not I've had the time to read them in between arguements, and I think they are incredibly inspiring; esp. the one about Norton. Anyone who opposes pits should read these stories... =)

Last edited by Samba; 10-01-04 at 10:04 AM..
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Old 10-01-04, 10:04 AM   #50
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LOL.. Samba,

Landmines... BOOM!
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Old 10-01-04, 10:06 AM   #51
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When I said that my dogs would probably lick "them" to death, the word "them" was referring to strangers entering the yard... Not Landmines... LOL
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Old 10-01-04, 10:09 AM   #52
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I know
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Old 10-01-04, 10:23 AM   #53
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Okay... it seemed like you thought it was the other way around... now that I've thought about it, it probably wouldn't take much to get my dogs to lick and chew landmines... LOL
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Old 10-01-04, 10:32 AM   #54
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As a matter of fact, the AKC website has this to say about AmStaffs;

"Over the past 50 years, careful breeding has produced today's American Staffordshire Terrier, which is affectionate, reliable, and an especially good dog for children.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a happy, outgoing, stable, and confident dog that makes a wonderful family pet.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is adaptable to country or city living. The only thing that will break his spirit and his heart is lack of his owner's fond attention."
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Old 10-01-04, 10:37 AM   #55
John Doe
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By the way, all dogs over 50 pounds represent a threat for people life if not well trained so here is a solution to the problem, destroyed all dogs over that weight.

Common, be realistic, i agree that a dog who bite someone with no apparent reason should be destroyed and i'll be the first to put one of my dogs to sleep if someone is bit with no apparent reason but, destroy an whole breed because of the misuse from some stupid jerks who take a dog for the wrong purpose!!!!!!!!!

If i fallow that reasonnement, stop the sale of all red sport cars because that is proven that most car accidents involve one of those cars. Also, let's banned poultry because people died from salmonella after a chicken meal. And then, why not banned cats, knowing cats saliva contain a bacteria that can kill humans if it fallows a vein that leads to lymphatics gland, (thats true even if people don't know it, mostly because medias are not aware of that fact).

The truth is simply that at least 60% of people owning dogs are not competent enough to own a dog at the first place and because of those people, all the responsible owner should be punished? I don't think so. The only way to solve the problem is to educate people and to put them responsible for the actions of theire pets. I know a lot of accidents or incidents caused by reptiles in the past and i'm pretty sure that nobody here would like theire passion and hobby destroyed because of the ignorence from general public who sadly relate only to what they ear or see in the medias because, sadly, they have no better source of informations.
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Old 10-01-04, 10:42 AM   #56
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I agree, but let's try and keep posting POSITIVE Pit/Staffie stories here. I don't want the debate over whether they're good or bad to continue (even though I succumbed to defend dog's rights to defend their home and family).
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Old 10-01-04, 10:45 AM   #57
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You know, when you think about it, just the fact that these threads get so emotionally charged with people defending their beloved Pits, shows that a lot of Pits out there have loving homes and are being taken care of. These dogs are likely not a threat to anyone. I wish someone could come up with a way to keep these dogs out of the wrong hands without banning the breed, because as someone else said, if you ban Pits these people will just go on to another "tough" breed. As snake owners when we hear of a large Burm getting loose or injuring someone we don't blame the snake, we immediately put the blame on the owner.
We also get upset when they try to ban ownership of reptiles, why should we feel any different about dogs? Any pet capable of doing damage to a human should be owned by someone who is willing to take responsibility for that animal and make sure it is under control at all times.
1.4 Ball Pythons,1.1 Greybanded Kings,1.1 Cal Kings,1.1 Brooksi, 0.1 Goini,2.1 Striped Motley Corns, 1.1 Normal Corns, 1.0 Ghost Motley Corn,0.2 Anery Corns, 0.1 Emoryi x Corn, 2.1 Western Hognose,1.1 Leucistic Texas Rats, 1.1 Mexican Black Kings
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Old 10-01-04, 10:51 AM   #58
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That's right, and might I also mention, many of us here maintain some kind of permit, or license that enables us to keep large and potentially dangerous reptiles... why can't dog owners go through the same procedures? Want a Pit/Staffie or Rottie? Get a license. Geezzz... we need permits to fish, but are completely free to own whatever dog we choose... =/
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Old 10-01-04, 10:51 AM   #59
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Samba, i have had several wonderful experiences with pits

One girl, a very orange brindle pitty, Si Ling, was adopted to be a companion for an elderly woman. Si had been terribly abused at one time, but at 1 year old, she was very willing to try to trust. This elderly woman is now blind, and Si helps her get around the house and neighborhood. She ins't trained as a seeing eye dog, but she is the most loving and caring dog this woman has ever experienced.

The second experience was with Chance, a deaf pitbull. He was doing so wonderful with his hand signals, that a family adopted him for their deaf son! They work wonderful together, and both have learned to cope with their disabilities.

I love pitts Hubby and I have even been discussing whether to buy a boxer or find a (show) breeder of am staffs I have been wanting an am staff for years, and I think we are fairly close to making our decision

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Old 10-01-04, 11:01 AM   #60
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Some more positive press for Pits.
1.4 Ball Pythons,1.1 Greybanded Kings,1.1 Cal Kings,1.1 Brooksi, 0.1 Goini,2.1 Striped Motley Corns, 1.1 Normal Corns, 1.0 Ghost Motley Corn,0.2 Anery Corns, 0.1 Emoryi x Corn, 2.1 Western Hognose,1.1 Leucistic Texas Rats, 1.1 Mexican Black Kings
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