I definitely think I need to get him to a vet, or at least talk to a vet about him... I just can't find any vets that specialize in chams. But I gotta keep looking
It's just my opinion but I don't think you'll ever find a vet that "specializes in chams". I think Dr. Ivan is probably the only one in the entire world...but, my point is...find one that is familiar with REPTILES.
Trace sent you a list of vets near you that will see reptiles, start calling them and find one you feel would be able to help you.
My vet here, although reptiles are NOT her speciality....when I took Dill (the pts) to see her, I had called the a couple days before, told her what the species was that I wanted her to look at and what my concerns were about Dill...she then did her own research on the species by reading, and speaking with the veternary college "near" here that DOES have a reptile specialist.
I don't know about there, but here, the veternary college specialist that I mentioned will do telephone consults with other vets (he doesn't have a regular vet practice, so you can't just call him up and make an appt.)
If you think about it Jeremy...when <b>you</b> feel like crap, you probably just lay around...not wanting to move...and keep you eyes shut either trying to sleep, or ignore the pain or sick feeling. I think that is what's happening with your cham.
Again, just my opinion, but, I think it's time to start looking at perhaps some more sinister possibilities rather than the superficial stuff like lighting.
I don't have Zoe on a timer either. I turn his lights on when I get up in the morning, and I shut them off when I go to bed at night.
Usually he gets 12 to 14 hours at a time with the lights on.
It's funny though...because if I sleep in...so does he. I've gotten up at 10 or 11 o'clock sometimes and he's still sound asleep.
Your guy really needs a check up.
If it's the cost you're worried about, the longer you wait, the more it will end up costing.
The first time I took Zoe in, it cost me about $75 Canadian.
But...I will never take Zoe back to that vet...I will always take both of my herps to the other vet that Dill went to.
She was AWESOME! She told me it had been a privelage and a learning experience for me to allow her to care for Dill. She had never seen a PTS before...and she told me that she learned more from me than I did from her...that all she was, was the vehicle to get the medications I needed to help Dill get healthy again...so she charged me HALF of the cost of the office visit, and her wholesale cost of the medication! Now THERE is a vet with her priorities straight! Especially when you think about how she did all this research about the species even before our vet visit.
She's in it for the animals, rather than the paycheque!
Anyway...I got caught up in a ramble there for a minute...
just go ahead and make an appt...then at least part of the guessing game may be solved.