Re: How to deal with disapproving family?
dinosaurdammit, first let me give you my sincerest apologies for having to deal with someone like that. I know exactly how you feel, almost to the tee. My grandparents are the exact same way with animals, but not as extreme as your nana. My mom has been that critical of me, not including the animals though, for most of my life up until I went to college.
I agree with most of what everyone said here. She is older and set in her ways. She has this perfect image in her head that no one would be able to live up to, including you. It's something certain people do because it makes them feel important or powerful. She probably will never change and she definitely will drive you away acting like this. It is VERY WRONG of her to treat you this way. You feel indebted to her just as I feel indebted to my mother when she tries to guilt me out of things she doesn't like. She tells me she raised me and put me through school and gives me the world, etc. Yet growing up, she was constantly on medication, drunk, or high and couldn't do a damn thing. Yet I feel indebted to her. It is a terrible feeling. STOP thinking you owe her something. That's what I did. My mother came around and now respects me for what I have become, despite my hardships. Your nana may not come around, but if staying away from you to prove her point is more important than seeing her daughter and grandchild, then she is at fault. NOT YOU. Keep your head up, sweetheart. Don't let someone else criminalize your hobby, your passion.
0.1 purple albino retic <3 (Pandora)
1.0 ivory retic <3 (Osiris)