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Old 04-11-12, 06:21 PM   #31
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Re: Disease?

Nice to meet you Zach Whitman. Thanks for the back ground. You are absolutely correct about the post count I have a lot of posts but I am basically an idiot.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 04-11-12, 08:51 PM   #32
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Re: Disease?

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
Nice to meet you Zach Whitman. Thanks for the back ground. You are absolutely correct about the post count I have a lot of posts but I am basically an idiot.
yet we still love you.
Welcome to the forum Zach, always nice to have vets and those training to be them on the board.
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Old 04-11-12, 10:26 PM   #33
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Re: Disease?

Hate to hear about this. I have slacked off on quarantine and this thread has reminded me that if I don't get serious about it again, I may well regret it. Anyway, I pray this has a happy ending even though it looks grim. BTW, welcome to the forum Zach. Hope you stick around, we can always use a vet on the forums!
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Old 04-12-12, 09:46 AM   #34
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Re: Disease?

Today I brought in a fecal sample, mice, and also 2 snakes. I woke up this morning to two snakes with swollen abdomens.

The mice are clean.

Crypto is the number one suspect.

Symptoms ; lethargic, swollen abdomens, weight loss, regurgitation, enlarged organs.

Test results will be back Monday.
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Old 04-12-12, 09:49 AM   #35
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Re: Disease?

I've heard crypto is nasty, what's the survival rate and treatment if it is crypto??
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Old 04-12-12, 10:12 AM   #36
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Re: Disease?

Survival rate; 0

Treatments; only experimental exist

If it comes back positive all the snakes will be euthanized.
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Old 04-12-12, 10:19 AM   #37
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Re: Disease?

I'm sorry, that really sucks. I hope it's not crypto but rather something treatable
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Old 04-12-12, 10:22 AM   #38
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Re: Disease?

I hope so too. But at this point I just want to know what is going on. Once I find out I can take action, the longer it is unknown, the longer they are suffering. But I do really hope it is not crypto.
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Old 04-12-12, 10:24 AM   #39
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Re: Disease?

I can relate to that
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Old 04-12-12, 10:53 AM   #40
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Re: Disease?

Although crypto is not treatable there are probably some snakes that live for a long time without being ill. If this proves to be crypto you could try and just keep the snakes that are not showing signs of illness and hope for the best. If you did that though, you should not breed, sell or give away any of your snakes, or add to your collection.

If you do decide to euthanize all the snakes, and I can understand why you would, and decide to start all over it would probably mean getting rid of all your equipment and starting all over with new vivs and supplies. I don't think anyone knows how effective ammonia is to eradicate it. The spores of crypto are very hardy and can probably live for a long time in your home.

Good luck. This must be heart breaking.
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Old 04-12-12, 01:32 PM   #41
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Re: Disease?

what is Crypto? Sounds like a fungal disease based on the spores Mojo mentioned. I'm assuming airborne respiratory disease? Does it only affect colubrids or can it infect boidae as well?
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Old 04-12-12, 02:03 PM   #42
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Re: Disease?

It's a protozoan that has a spore stage during which it can survive in pretty much any environment.

We are all exposed to cryptosporidium (different ones than those than infect snakes) but most of us don't get sick or have a self limited diarrheal illness. In the immunocompromised the infection can be devastating.

Boids can be infected as well. I believe lizards can too but it might be a different one that infects them.
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Old 04-12-12, 02:08 PM   #43
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Re: Disease?

Thanks Jo, I've never heard of it before.
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Old 04-12-12, 02:43 PM   #44
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Re: Disease?

It's the parasite most keepers fear.
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Old 04-12-12, 03:20 PM   #45
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Re: Disease?

The vet said that there are two strains of crypto. One that affects mammals, and ones that effect reptiles. She said all reptiles can get crypto, lizards may not show symptoms tho, but is often found in them after they pass away. Also said that most bearded dragons are carriers of it.

The one I took into the vet today has made a very quick turn for the worst. He was fed 2 days ago, what little food he did have in his stomach he managed to regurge. He became instantly dehydrated. I just finished giving him a bath, the swelling looks like it has doubled. The areas in his stomach that are not swollen are becoming indented. I was heartbroken when I opened the container.

Here are some picks of him, there was NO swelling yesterday on him. Sorry if there are some of you who don't want to see. At the bottom is his exam.

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