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Old 02-20-12, 02:31 PM   #31
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Tubs are a great idea! I have (and plan on putting my second snake!) in tubs for now until they're full grown when i'll get them nice big custom cages, but for now, tubs aren't a big deal. they just see it as substrate and some hides and probably wont notice the difference other than size when i move em up to an condo deluxe

Good luck, hopefully she isn't preggo..

then again at 17, wasnt life just about hoping nobody was pregnant?


bad joke?

.. at least you dont have to worry about being eaten by your friends!
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Old 02-20-12, 02:33 PM   #32
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by kernel View Post
Yikes, where did "corn snakes aren't cannibalistic" come from?

I know that NOW. I don't have my drivers license yet, my mom has strep throat and my dad won't be willing to take me, so I can't go tonight, but I should be able to get there by the weekend.

She is a 3 year old female that someone gave me a year ago and they were only feeding her one fuzzie every 2 months, so she is extremely stunted. She has been at the 230 gram mark for several months, so I think she's done growing (I could be wrong though)
Snakes never stop growing.
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Old 02-20-12, 02:36 PM   #33
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by jay0133 View Post
Snakes never stop growing.
I was under that impression as well
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Old 02-20-12, 02:38 PM   #34
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by millertime89 View Post
can they? well yeah, they can, doesn't mean they should.
I thought garters were the only species that males could be housed together? Well without controversy anyways...
diamond python males can be housed together,but NO other male carpet acts the same way of the diamond

diamond males DON'T combat,even in the wild they will form a que if theres only one female (polite guys the diamonds )

all other carpets will combat though,even to the point of biting each other

i house SAME size females and pairs of carpets together with no problems.i know a lot of morelia keepers who do this

cheers shaun
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Old 02-20-12, 02:42 PM   #35
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Even if they did lock. What is the chance that she's actually pregnant? I would think it would be pretty slim.
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 02-20-12, 07:09 PM   #36
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by youngster View Post
Even if they did lock. What is the chance that she's actually pregnant? I would think it would be pretty slim.
that's like saying the chances of being pregnant after unprotected sex just once is pretty slim. Its 50/50
You know how to separate them? Get some cardboard and cut it to fit in their enclosure and act as a divider and put something heavy on either side to keep it in place. Better that they be cramped for a few days than risk harm.
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Old 02-20-12, 07:15 PM   #37
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

OP how long were they locked?
I just changed their water and less than 5 minutes later they were locked.
They wouldn't have too much time in five minutes would they?
Sage Riddle Finch
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Old 02-20-12, 07:56 PM   #38
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

well i'm glad you were able to figure it out, and get some good advice. Next time, you will know not to get so many animals unless you already have set-ups for them, since most snakes cannot live together. In fact, besides garter snakes and some sand boas, they should never be housed together. Snakes are solitary animals, that do in fact, never stop growing. Their growth slows down as they age.

So, even though you've been lucky for the past year keeping them together, you now know you need to have sperate enclosures for the future.
It only takes once.

IT's also good that you're asking questions, especially if you want to become a breeder. Though the market is pretty full since a lot of people breed corn snakes, i'm sure you will have fun doing it.
You still have a long way to go, to research the snakes, their habits, breeding, and care of the eggs and young.
Seems you are also able to probe them yourself now, too, so that's good.

We appreciate seeing someone asking, learning, and trying to take the best care of their animals that they can, rather than just ignoring issues and not doing research. Good luck!
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 02-20-12, 09:04 PM   #39
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by theapexgerman View Post
Well let's hope your male corn is a steril snake or your going to have fun trying to hatch eggs I got all of mine in cages cept my durmil he's in a tub must say lot cheaper than a cage
The fact I might have eggs is pretty cool, I just wasn't prepared and am worried about her small size. I'm actually going to breed my bloodred pair in March.

Originally Posted by Skumbo View Post
Tubs are a great idea! I have (and plan on putting my second snake!) in tubs for now until they're full grown when i'll get them nice big custom cages, but for now, tubs aren't a big deal. they just see it as substrate and some hides and probably wont notice the difference other than size when i move em up to an condo deluxe

Good luck, hopefully she isn't preggo..

then again at 17, wasnt life just about hoping nobody was pregnant?


bad joke?

.. at least you dont have to worry about being eaten by your friends!
No, no and yes.

Originally Posted by jay0133 View Post
Snakes never stop growing.
I should have known that.

Originally Posted by millertime89 View Post
that's like saying the chances of being pregnant after unprotected sex just once is pretty slim. Its 50/50
You know how to separate them? Get some cardboard and cut it to fit in their enclosure and act as a divider and put something heavy on either side to keep it in place. Better that they be cramped for a few days than risk harm.
I have some of them seperated. I'm going to get tubs and get them seperated this weekend.

Originally Posted by youngster View Post
OP how long were they locked?

They wouldn't have too much time in five minutes would they?
Probably about 30 minutes.

Originally Posted by jaleely View Post
well i'm glad you were able to figure it out, and get some good advice. Next time, you will know not to get so many animals unless you already have set-ups for them, since most snakes cannot live together. In fact, besides garter snakes and some sand boas, they should never be housed together. Snakes are solitary animals, that do in fact, never stop growing. Their growth slows down as they age.

So, even though you've been lucky for the past year keeping them together, you now know you need to have sperate enclosures for the future.

It only takes once.

IT's also good that you're asking questions, especially if you want to become a breeder. Though the market is pretty full since a lot of people breed corn snakes, i'm sure you will have fun doing it.

You still have a long way to go, to research the snakes, their habits, breeding, and care of the eggs and young.

Seems you are also able to probe them yourself now, too, so that's good.

We appreciate seeing someone asking, learning, and trying to take the best care of their animals that they can, rather than just ignoring issues and not doing research. Good luck!
Yes, I realize I shouldn't have kept them together NOW. I will do my best to house them separately from now on.

I have to ask questions, aside from experience, it's the only way to learn. The market has allot of corns in it, but money isn't the only reason for doing it. Yes, I want to make money, but the MAIN reason is I think it will be an amazing experience to breed and raise them, plus the morph combinations are endless.

Yes, I do and I think I'm getting pretty good at it too which is very important since I want to breed.

Anyway, thanks.
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Last edited by kernel; 02-20-12 at 09:17 PM..
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Old 02-20-12, 09:35 PM   #40
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

You're welcome.
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Old 02-20-12, 09:48 PM   #41
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Anything can be housed with anything. What will come of it is the problem. Also people will tell you anything, it may work for some but I would hope most people would recommend against it. I personally don't like it because I feed in enclosures and I like to know when my animals poop/pee which is pretty hard to tell when co-habing unless you see a butt spray in progress. Also just the possibility of stress from my animals being co-habed is reason enough not too.

I had two of my corns lock up and I even paid the pet store to pop them when they were little and they told me they were both males. I put them together to clean a tank and within 30 seconds they were at it. That was my first corn clutch experience! I now know how to pop babies with the help of my wife's little fingers and am still procrastinating with buying a probe set.
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Last edited by Shmoges; 02-20-12 at 09:54 PM..
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Old 02-20-12, 10:51 PM   #42
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by Skumbo View Post
Tubs are a great idea! I have (and plan on putting my second snake!) in tubs for now until they're full grown when i'll get them nice big custom cages, but for now, tubs aren't a big deal. they just see it as substrate and some hides and probably wont notice the difference other than size when i move em up to an condo deluxe

Good luck, hopefully she isn't preggo..

then again at 17, wasnt life just about hoping nobody was pregnant?


bad joke?

.. at least you dont have to worry about being eaten by your friends!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that just made my day
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Old 02-20-12, 11:29 PM   #43
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by beardeds4life View Post
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that just made my day


as for popping/probing thing, i'd rather "pop" than probe, i know probing is safe but getting stuff shoved up there cant exactly be fun for the snake.
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Old 02-21-12, 12:07 AM   #44
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

Originally Posted by Shmoges View Post
Anything can be housed with anything. What will come of it is the problem. Also people will tell you anything, it may work for some but I would hope most people would recommend against it. I personally don't like it because I feed in enclosures and I like to know when my animals poop/pee which is pretty hard to tell when co-habing unless you see a butt spray in progress. Also just the possibility of stress from my animals being co-habed is reason enough not too.

I had two of my corns lock up and I even paid the pet store to pop them when they were little and they told me they were both males. I put them together to clean a tank and within 30 seconds they were at it. That was my first corn clutch experience! I now know how to pop babies with the help of my wife's little fingers and am still procrastinating with buying a probe set.
You should buy one. You can't pop adult snakes, they have to be probed.

Originally Posted by Skumbo View Post


as for popping/probing thing, i'd rather "pop" than probe, i know probing is safe but getting stuff shoved up there cant exactly be fun for the snake.
I know how to pop, but I find probing easier. As I said before, popping only works on baby and juvenile snakes. You have to probe to sex adult snakes.
0.1 pueblan milk snake, 1.1 mexican black king snake, 1.1 cali king snake 8.10 corn snakes, 1.1 texas rat snake, black rat snake, 1.1 blonde trans pecos rat snakes, 1.0 mexican night snake, 0.1 western hognose, 0.1 irian jaya carpet python, 3.3 ball pythons, 0.1 blue tongued skink, 0.0.1 bearded dragon, 0.0.1 crested gecko and 1.0.1 three toed box turtles
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Old 02-21-12, 01:55 AM   #45
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Re: Can 2 male corns lock?

them being locked that one time means nothing, I can guarantee they've locked mutliple times before that, just the first time you've seen it... Regardless most corn snakes are required to be brumated before breeding, I doubt she even has any egg follicles... Keep them separate now, give a bunch of mice to each of them, and hope she doesn't retain the sperm long enough for when she does start making folicles... I would think at that size she would just reabsorb anyways because I doubt she's even the girth of an egg yet... Everyone does make mistkaes and liek I said I wasn;t doing well yesterday, but here's a little info to put your mind at ease... Sperm isn't the only thing that makes babies....
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