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Old 03-19-11, 05:12 PM   #31
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

Sure they aren't pleasing to OUR eyes but we shouldn't be keeping pets a certain way just to please ourselves. I use tubs because my ball pythons do best in them. Pure and simple.
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Old 03-19-11, 05:42 PM   #32
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

Tubs also work better with baby that have high humidity requirements. Over the years i had 4 Bloods/Borneos the first two were keep in glass cages. Both die in under 2 months. Third one i kept in a custom it die in under a month. I could never keep the humidity up and babies are very touchy. Fast forward 10 years. I read a article about a breeder who kept all of his in tubs till they turn two. So i figure i give it another try. There's a lot more info out there than there was 10 years ago. Well i have a female Borneo that is now going on two years old. When she gets a litter bigger like all my snake they will be move to Boaphile cages like in my previous post.

Plus i don't use heat lamps. I found out that part of why i couldn't keep the humidity up.
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Old 03-19-11, 05:58 PM   #33
slainte mhath
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
Greg, i think it is a step, folded up, like a mini two step sepladder thingy.

they're called shauns extra legs rob (me being a short a**e)

we all can't be giants mate

you all have some really nice snake rooms folk's

i'm like wayne and have any spare space in the house full of tanks

like you rob i spend a lot of time in one room that being my bedroom the viv's are all 2 and half feet away from the bottom of my bed

the diamond tanks are all stacked and in my line of sight when i lye in bed so i keep the best view for myself

my wife has the black and white diamond jungle she claimed in her line of sight (2 jags as well)

not bad considering she did not like bieng in the same room as snakes when i first started herping (she even helps me give med's to the adult carpets )

cheers shaun
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Old 03-19-11, 06:06 PM   #34
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
the tubs don't look pretty and you can't watch the snake moving around, but i bet it's A LOT closer to the home they would choose in the wild then a lot of the vivs we provide. its smaller and darker and is opaque so i would imagine they feel safer then a clear viv.

i don't like the fact you can't sit and watch your snakes through a tub as well as you could in a vivarium

i think thats why i only use tubs when its 100% neccessary

i think theres nothing wrong with using tubs and it is in no way detremental to the snake

they just stop me from gawping at my snakes like a love sick teenager

cheers shaun
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Old 06-05-11, 08:43 PM   #35
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

lol, gonna have to agree there shaun. much less interesting when you can't see what the snakes are doing all the time. it's nice when you get a snake that doesn't stress too bad so you can observe what's going on all the time without it getting pissed.
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Old 06-05-11, 08:56 PM   #36
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

I'm contemplating keeping my next retic in a tub for the first year or so, shame to hide it but it is in their best intrest.
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Old 06-05-11, 10:24 PM   #37
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

I would think twice about keeping a retic in a tub for very long. I find that they tend to nose rub a lot. I would go with PVC enclosures.
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Old 06-05-11, 10:42 PM   #38
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Re: Let's see your snake rooms!

I've never had any of my non breeder males get nose rub, the females and juvies tend to be fine in whatever you put them in aslong as they can climb around.
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