its the body thats triangle
If you can see the spine pretty distinctly--sticking up from the rest of the body as a ridge--the BP isn't eating or hasn't been fed adequately. Attendant issues--
--you might not be able to get it to eat
--its long-term health has been compromised
--it is more susceptible to infections, which may not present symptoms until the snake receives an additional stress, such as being moved out of its current environment.
That means that at best, you won't notice problems for a few years but it may never be in optimum condition, and at worst, you won't be able to get it to eat and it will get sick soon after you take it home because its immune system just isn't strong enough to handle the additional stress of the move.
Talk to John about his snake. If you're going to spend $$ on a snake, why not get one that's healthy to begin with so you can enjoy it rather than be frustrated?