I personally think that if the animal wants to eat something and it isn't hurting it...P/K gerbils don't do dammage - Live gerbils could be harmful...but they are definately healthy we have plenty of gerbils, hamsters, rabbits and fish and if our snakes (when we get them very soon) like to eat any of our food choices they are more than welcome to it so long as they are happy healthy and hungry :-) enjoy your new BP
1.2 Corn Snakes, 3.4 Assorted Rabbits, 6.4 Cats, 1.3 Hamsters, 7.7.15 Gerbils, 1.1 Red Ear Sliders, 1.1 Leopard Gecko, 0.0.2 Bearded Dragons, 1.2 Mantellas Dart Frogs, 2.2 Homosapiens, Me Sherri & My Children Brad-Dusty-Roo!