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Old 05-22-04, 11:56 PM   #31
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Also Forever this could be a solution to use as an absolute last resort (I don't condone it or agree but it is helpful)

I had a friend with an Albino Burmese Python that feeds it full sized rats Live but what he does is deteeth them (Takes plyers or something, I haven't witnessed him doing this, and pulls the teeth out so that the rat cannot bite back) It seems to work very well for him his snake has never been bit.

But i would say at a later date when your friends snake matures more i guess i would tell him to try and get him on PK in the least. Hope this helps
As long as you treat a snake with respect there should be no reason why you should get bit
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Old 05-23-04, 05:11 AM   #32
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He was thinking that. He as the stomach for it but i sure don't.
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Old 05-23-04, 08:23 AM   #33
Ryan and Katie
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Originally posted by BigBadBlade
I had a friend with an Albino Burmese Python that feeds it full sized rats Live but what he does is deteeth them (Takes plyers or something, I haven't witnessed him doing this, and pulls the teeth out so that the rat cannot bite back) It seems to work very well for him his snake has never been bit.
That is sick! I don't agree with live feeding unless necessary. It is people like that who give snake keeping a bad name. That has to be the worst advise I have ever seen on this forum! I don't like rodents but I would never make them suffer like that....
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Old 05-23-04, 09:04 AM   #34
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Like i said I don't agree with it just trying to help out forever as a last resort. But my friend said the pet store owner is the one that told him how to do it and showed him a way which is the least painful for the mouse/rat (which i don't even see how that would be possible) I've been trying to get my friend to convert to PK or FT
As long as you treat a snake with respect there should be no reason why you should get bit
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Old 05-23-04, 09:09 AM   #35
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Pulling out the teeth of the mouse/rat is inhumane! Lets rip a few of your friends teeth out and see how that feels!

If you INSIST on feeding live, do so responsibly. Feed live restrained (holding the body and head of the mouse/rat with tongs)

DO NOT hand feed, that is ASKING to be bit by both the snake AND the mouse/rat. The rat can easily cimb up it's body and bite you. Belive me, I had a 1lb rat climb up it's body and come close to taking a BIG chunk out of my thumb. I thought he was to fat to do that. Guess not. (it's also called a SFE, Stupid Feeding Error)

Jeff was just stating the obvious for the care of this animal considering that your "Friend" sees feeding f/t or f/k as NOT an option right now.

feeding f/t or f/k is ALWAYS and option for the health of your snake.

as for not keeping f/t rats in the freezer, i'm sorry, get over it, put duct tape around the bag so you can't see the rats.

Especially if THAT is the only reason that your not feeding f/t.
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Old 05-23-04, 09:13 AM   #36
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Hey I didn't say I did it I personally feed my pythons FT well most of them my larger one only takes PK... But yeah if i have any takers to pull my friends teeth out Go right ahead, He's a cruel butt anyway
As long as you treat a snake with respect there should be no reason why you should get bit
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Old 05-25-04, 04:52 AM   #37
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as for not keeping f/t rats in the freezer, i'm sorry, get over it, put duct tape around the bag so you can't see the rats
Nah..I'd rather not, but thanks for the 2 cents. I also stated that I do not have the time to wait around for a jumbo rat to defrost. My schedule is quite hectic and I'd rather just stop by the pet store when I have time, pick up what I need and feed em when I get home.

DO NOT hand feed, that is ASKING to be bit by both the snake AND the mouse/rat. The rat can easily cimb up it's body and bite you. Belive me, I had a 1lb rat climb up it's body and come close to taking a BIG chunk out of my thumb. I thought he was to fat to do that. Guess not. (it's also called a SFE, Stupid Feeding Error)
You take the risk of being bitten when live feeding regardless weather it is by hand or not. I have not one time had a problem when handfeeding. I hand fed a jumbo rat to by large boa yeserday, as well as a small/med rat to my Hog Island, this was his biggest rat yet and he took it perfectly.
By no means am I saying it's a fool proof method, but it works for me.

Alot of the PETA loving/vegatarians are against live feeding, well too damn bad. I've seen so many people say how inhumane live feeding is. WHATEVER!! I feed live, yet I dont type out against feeding f/t or p/k. As long as the person is responsible and takes the steps necessary to make sure the snake is not harmed, then it shouldn't be such a big deal.
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Old 05-25-04, 04:55 AM   #38
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Originally posted by Ryan and Katie
That is sick! I don't agree with live feeding unless necessary. It is people like that who give snake keeping a bad name. That has to be the worst advise I have ever seen on this forum! I don't like rodents but I would never make them suffer like that....
Holy ****, this guy gave me another option....LIKE I ASKED. Instead of being unhelpful like the so many of you. He never said that he liked, prefered or agreed with this option but stated that as a last resort, in the case that my friend Jesse continues to feed live he may want to use this for the saftey of his snake.

I can't beleive that you flamed one of the few people who responded appropriately.

I can't beleive that people are still trying to argue with me over jeff. I thought i had made it quite clear that he was not being helpful......AT ALL. If you actually think you are right then offer a valid point.

As i was the one who asked the question and was also the one who got nothing positive or helpful from his replies, I think I am in a pretty appropriate position to say that he was NOT HELPFUL!!!

What exactly makes it "necessary" to feed live?

I've been wondering this since you guys brought it up.
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Old 05-25-04, 05:55 AM   #39
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What makes it "necessary" to feed live? THAT is when you have exhausted all other possibilities.

Did you even try any of the following?

Feeding at different times of the day?
Hot heading or braining the prey?
Confining the dead prey and snake in a small box for feeding?
Body bumping?
Feeding a small live item and then following it up immediately after with a larger dead prey?
Did you check the temps in the enclosure to make sure they are even in range?
Did you try taking it to another house and trying these approaches there? Sometimes a change in location can help.

There are many strategies !!!

Does your "friend" even own a good book on ball pythons? or for that matter does "he" care.

If he can't find the time to try different methods, then he must make the time. If he won't make the time then he doesn't deserve to keep this animal or he doesn't have what it takes. Like many on here, people will make mistakes, myself included. However, people come here to get the answers. Personally, I keep over 40 animals and I don't consider finding the time an option..I CONSIDER IT MANDATORY...!!!

Breaking the rats you seriously think this is going to help? How the heck do you plan on restraining a pissed off rat to remove every tooth in its head. Do you think the rat or mouse can't do damage with its nails? LMFAO....

Reading S**t like this burns my A$$.

You came to the forums asking for help and you got the RIGHT answers. People like Jeff and Tim, but not limited to these two, are fine knowledgable people, and they only have the well being of the animal in mind. People like them have been doing this a hell of a lot longer then many on this board. If you didn't like Jeff's answers then maybe you should have elaborated on his responses.

Bottomline you want to hear an answer that suits you or your "friend". What's the next post gonna be "Help !!! My "friends" ball python, just got chewed apart. What do I do NOW?"

I feel sorry for the snake, and I hope you or your "friend" have cash put aside to get it fixed up, cause it is gonna cost a bundle WHEN it happens. Or please don't tell me you will just look at this as a bad experience and simply throw the animal away.

One more piece of advise..lose the attitude..people are here to help you!!!


Last edited by jwsporty; 05-25-04 at 06:03 AM..
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Old 05-25-04, 08:00 AM   #40
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Just to clarify something. I know for a fact that "Forever" does not own the snake in question, it is owned by a friend of his.

The original post was to get advice about help and 'first aid' for the snake in case it should ever be bitten by live prey. He himself is in no position to change the way the snake is fed, but he can get some info to try and convince the owner to change to a safer feeding method. He's just the messenger in this case, no need to shoot him.

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Old 05-25-04, 08:24 AM   #41
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Did you even read my posts? I'm really not sure where you got all these ideas or why you thought it would be a good idea to make all these assumptions but you are quite off.

I was simply curious as to what you guys meant when you were saying "necessary" I was guessing that it was when all others options fail but i wanted to be sure. There was no "attitude" intended on THIS part.

"Did you even try any of the following?"

NO! If you would have read my post you would have known that I/ my friend would not have tried any of those as he never had any problem feeding live and that he never wanted to feed any other way. So why would he try any of those? As i stated in my first and many posts following, he doesn't want to feed his snake dead mice. All other possibilities are what i came here for.

"do you seriously think this is going to help?"

I never said that it was going to work or that i was agreeing with it as an appropriate method to avoinding injury to his snake. Though it is obviously working for someone else.

"Do you think the rat or mouse can't do damage with its nails?"

I also never said that the nails wouldn't do any damage but the damage is considerably less in comparison. Regardless I still don't agree with this method nor would I suggest or need to suggest this.

"Reading S**t like this burns my A$$."

Your ignorant assumptions are what burn my ***.

Jeff gave me answers that I clearly stated I was already aware of and was not looking to have repeated to me.

I never said that those were the wrong answers. I simply said that they were not what i was looking for and that they were not helpful because i already knew this. They were not options. Jeff didn't help me in anyway. That means he was not helpful.

"If you didn't like Jeff's answers then maybe you should have elaborated on his responses."

I don't know what you mean by this. I can only say that if you look it would appear that jeff had no real interest in helping me. I mean after his inital post which wasn't even helpful in the first place. Though, it was not his fault as i had not defined the reason why it was unhelpful.

"Bottomline you want to hear an answer that suits you or your friend."

Of course!! Am i supposed to be here looking for answers that suit you? I am here looking for an alternative so that it may be safer for the snake but so that Jesse doesn't have to feed it dead mice. As he doesn't want to.

"What's the next post gonna be "Help !!! My "friends" ball python, just got chewed apart. What do I do NOW?"

NO! As I have the hope that through all this crap I may be able to suggest a few different options in which I'm hoping he may take. Otherwise all of this would have been pointless.

People may think they are helping be but alot of them have NOT!!! Like yourself.

If you hadn't been so arrogant with no apparent intent but telling me off(at least not any intent as apparent), you may have been able to, read, understand, and consider what i have already said numerous times. PLEASE, save us both alot of time and read what I have written here.
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Old 05-25-04, 08:49 AM   #42
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I know you're just the messenger, and I dont mean to come down on you about it, but I'll tell you why this thread irks me and probably others. You say your friend doesn't have a snake just to watch it eat live prey, but on the other hand, you say dead feeding is not an option. The only reason you give is that he doesn't want to. Doesn't want to? What kind of reason is that? How often does he have fecal exams done? Live feeding significantly increases the odds his snake is going to get internal parasites or feeding injuries, and the only reason given is he doesn't want to.

This thread is pissing people off because your friend acts on his whims rather than on the best interest of his snake, and you dont seem to want to hear it. I hope you got all the first aid advice you need. Even more so, I hope your friend will "want" to take his snake to the vet when/if it gets injured, and I hope he'll "want" to have regular fecal exams done.

By the way, I cant figure how feeding live takes less time than feeding thawed. That doesn't make sense to me. You can stock months worth of frozen, cutting pet store trips down almost to nil. Thawing takes a minute to toss one in a bucket of hot water...go do your own thing, come back in 20 minutes, and it's done. You really going to tell me you're not home for 20 minutes once a week? Plus, you dont have to monitor the feeding. If you're in a hurry, toss it in and walk away. Maybe if you have your own colony of feeders it's quicker but...

1 adult bull snake: "Dozer"; 1.1 juvenile bull snakes: Oscar and Phoebe; 3 baby red-sided garters; 1.1 macklot's pythons

Last edited by rwg; 05-25-04 at 08:52 AM..
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Old 05-25-04, 09:16 AM   #43
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Forever, I don't know why anyone would want to help you or you friend. <b>You are rude and ungrateful!</b> You ask a question, get some answers and feel you have the right to tell people their answers are not helpful.

I'll tell you what, the answers you are looking for would have taken you, oh.... 20 seconds of logical thought to find. Apparently you are so smart, so stop wasting space on this forum with your rude attitude and childish responses. Tell your friend to take the 20 seconds to think about the problem HIMSELF!

"<i>NO! As I have the hope that through all this crap I may be able to suggest a few different options in which I'm hoping he may take. Otherwise all of this would have been pointless.

All of this <u>is</u> pointless, so spare us the useless dribble...
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Old 05-25-04, 09:45 AM   #44
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This guy is ridiculous! It's like he's asking for someone to tell him that 2+2=5, and when everyone on here tells him that he's looking for the wrong answer, and inform him of the correct answer (4) he just gets defensive and claims that no one will tell him how to get 5 out of 2 plus 2!

I can't tell if this makes me ge angry or almost just laugh, either way it is extremely annoying how ignorant some people may be.

Forever, think of it this way: If you were asking the most humane way to , say, kill a human, you probably would be told repeatedly that it is wrong and shouldn't do it. Would you then go on to criticize everyone for not giving you the answer you want, but instead the RIGHT answer?!?
Brent Strande

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Old 05-25-04, 01:15 PM   #45
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This is going no where.
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