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Old 08-13-03, 11:37 PM   #31
Tim and Julie B
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I'm fairly certain that "twinkies" refers to those real annoying young brats who are complete wanna-bes.
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Old 08-14-03, 12:17 AM   #32
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ok my pet peves are

-pretty much 95% of people in general
-any one that trys to wake me up when i am sleeping (i have been known to get very aggresive when people wake me up)

thats about it for me oh ya

and people (dosent happen often but my freind has a snake in the frezer to prove it) who buy a 1200 snake for they first and kill due to improper husbandry. now THAT PISSES ME OFF!
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Old 08-14-03, 12:29 AM   #33
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-Stupid people
-Quebec Seperatists that just won't give up, even now
-Really loud people
-People that are fat that wear clothes designed for skinny people.

I'll cut myself off there, otherwise i'd start offending people
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Old 08-14-03, 02:18 AM   #34
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some of mine:
<li>people who post in the forums just to increase their post number</li>
<li>bad spelling/grammar</li>
<li>ignorance and close mindedness</li>
<li>people who have kept a herp for a week and then put of a website offering information on husbandry without having the required knowledge</li>
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Old 08-14-03, 02:38 AM   #35
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Alright, i've got some more:

-Snobby people
-People that rice out their cars...(wal-mart bee's nest exhaust, etc)
-Have to agree on someone when they said "People that think Honda's are sports cars"
-People that are cruel to animals and/or think it's funny.
-And i'll definately go with josef on the ignorance/close mindedness
-How most small pet store owners that give false info to customers about pets and their needs.
-How I only see garter snakes in my area :P
GTA Turtle Guy
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Old 08-14-03, 07:34 AM   #36
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My pet peeve is:

People who don't know the difference between democrats and Democrats. There's such a significant difference that using them as synonyms would be idiocy.
The Zombie Mama is here!
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Old 08-14-03, 07:43 AM   #37
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Originally posted by Linds
feeling the pain from the 3" chicken bones thats been lodged in my intestines for 5 days now

LMAO Did you decide to eat the chicken whole like your snakes do?
Yah but have you ever smelled cheese? Some of it stinks eh?
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Old 08-14-03, 07:57 AM   #38
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Im in a wheelchair so my biggest pet hate's in order:

1. Adults who stare & don't bother to ask what is wrong.
2. Adults who slap their kids for asking why Im in the wheelchair.
3. teenage kids who should know better than to just stare or take the PI$$.
4. People who stop infront of me in a shop & then tell me I should look where Im going when they get a ton of metal in the ankle.(People should have emergency brake lights on their butts)
5. Kids who don't understand the meaning of the word NO! (The older they get the worse it gets)
6. Men drivers who honk at my wife for something that they did wrong, but pass the buck.
0.0.1 Corn, 1.0 Green Blotched Corn, 0.1 Carolina Corn, 0.1 Bull Snake, 1.0 Columbian Red Tail. 0.1 CRB
Snakes don't kill people. Stupidity Kills!
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Old 08-14-03, 10:10 AM   #39
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Originally posted by OttawaChris
LMAO Did you decide to eat the chicken whole like your snakes do?
LOL one would think I've been haging around herps too much! Unfortunately no... someone made pasta with big hollow noodles and neglected to tell me they put chicken wings in it Bit in and broke the wing apart, the first bone shot down and the other nearly followed
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Old 08-14-03, 10:41 AM   #40
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Ok, here are a few
childern, especially a group of them full of annoying energy!
close talkers
the public in general (people can be so stupid once they become a group)
slow drivers
drivers that don't use signal lights or cut you of and then proceed to get mad at you!
People who wear clothes that are way too small for them
and one last one: people who shake their heads and look on with dissaproval when they find out about my piercings and tatoos, its not your body so forget about it!!!!!!
I think that should be good for now
Talkie Talkie......No More Talkie!

Of course I'm out of my mind....Its dark and scary in there!
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Old 08-14-03, 10:53 AM   #41
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I agree with you kara on the last one. I hate when people give me stange looks for my tats. i always want to yell at them "They're mine i had to go through the process of getting them not you. So if you don't like them then don't look" LOL
1.2 Bearded dragons (Login, Raven, & Jean Grey) 1.1.1 Corn snakes(Havoc,Sable, & Kink0 1.5 Leo's (Psyloke (Lucky-male) Speedball, Domino, Rouge, Siren, Elektra) 1.0 Veiled Chams (Neo), 0.1 Rose Hair T. (Night Crawler) 0.0.3 Crested Geckos (Shiva, Storm, Beast) 0.2 Kenyan Sand Boas (Tigra & Cloak)
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Old 08-14-03, 11:20 AM   #42
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-people that cringe/shiver when they find I own reptiles. Then ask why.
-people that smack thier lips when they chew.
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Old 08-14-03, 11:52 AM   #43
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People that CHEW THEIR ICE CUBES. Seriously, they were invented to keep things cold, and can MELT. Why go through all the trouble to crunch them. Augh.

Being tickled or poked. *most ticklish person in the world*

People finger-drumming on the back of my chair.

People that balance on the ball of their foot when sitting down so their knee shakes like mad, causing the whole table to shake with it. *twitch*

People that say "mmm" while they eat.

People that, after having a SPECIAL MEETING to train them how to fix a certain problem, come in the next day to have the problem arise and not know how to fix it... then call me at 10:00 to ask me how to fix it.

When CD's skip. (I hate repetitive noises also... birds drive me nuts)

When people screw around with the TV, so when I come along to watch a little Saved By The Bell, I have to use 4 clickers (yes, that's right, FOUR) just to get it back to normal.

Prejudiced people.

When there's not a new Strong Bad e-mail on Mondays, or even ANY update for that matter.

Celine Dion.
Everytime that I look at myself I can't believe how awesome I am.
...The first rule of journalism is: Don't talk about journalism... or was that Fight Club?
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Old 08-14-03, 12:03 PM   #44
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Cocky people... losers... geeks... would say laziness but I'm prolly the laziest *** out there... people who think they have everything and act tough upon it...
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Old 08-14-03, 12:23 PM   #45
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Originally posted by Tim and Julie B
I'm fairly certain that "twinkies" refers to those real annoying young brats who are complete wanna-bes.
You got it! We use that term more or less to the highly pretentious goths here.
Erin Keller :eb:
Snakes: 2.1 Corns, 1.1 Kings, 1.0 Everglades Rat, 1.1 Spotted Pythons, 1.2 Children's Pythons, 1.2 BCIs Lizards: 0.2 Leopard Geckos, 1.3 Bibron Geckos Inverts: 2.1 Tarantulas, 0.1 Emporer Scorpion Mammals: 0.2 Kittens
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