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Old 07-02-03, 10:02 AM   #31
ectotherm's Avatar
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On a positive note, I stopped by the New England Herp Society site. At the least, it appears that the NEHS was consulted when the time came for revising the restricted animal list - it apparently comes up for revision every 10 to 15 years. The last revision was in 1991. At that time, a large number of animals that were restricted, became exempt, meaning anyone could own them without permits. Varanids still require permits. The logic at that time (which was correct in 1991) was that captive breeding had not reached sufficient levels to sustain a market depending upon the reduction of wild populations. Hopefully that reasoning will be readjusted very soon, for certain species at least. (Hurry up and breed more monitors Steve)

I find the teiids equally appealing, so if I am rejected for varanid permits, I will likely consider a group of tegus along with my soft spot for P.cocincinus (and maybe some acanthosaurus)

Looks like I should start building that reptile room.
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Old 07-02-03, 09:22 PM   #32
unBOAlievable's Avatar
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Tim and Julie B, don't forget I am from the south and down here there isn't nothing silicone and duct tape won't fix. But I used it another time at the veterinarian when we were x- raying a skunk and it bit plum through my finger, fangs sticken out the other side. He said I was crazy to so you might be onto something.
A bad year with reptiles is better than a good year without em.
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