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Old 12-23-15, 06:50 PM   #31
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons? is nothing in this world outside of a house that I would pay that much for XD

Even if I COULD!
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Old 12-23-15, 07:09 PM   #32
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Originally Posted by Minkness View Post
Em, there is of course a difference between not rich and living paycheck to paycheck.
I think you would be surprised to hear how many people in the reptile community (myself included) went through a very similar situation as you for many, many years. In fact, most of the long-term keepers that I have known over the years have struggled with financial challenges over prolonged periods of time. More to the point, I think it is part of being passionate about the things that we enjoy that makes us constantly push and try to reach our goals, be they recreational or otherwise. Many of us have spent our last dimes on our hobbies and passions, only to have our collections that took years to build devastated by heating or cooling malfunctions, or by natural disasters. It takes time and a lot of dedication to stay in this hobby for the long term, and the financial struggle that is associated with building the target collection is ever abundant. That said, it also builds character and helps you meet a lot of good people, and it makes some of the successful episodes (may that be the acquisition or breeding of a particular animal) that much more gratifying.

Just some food for thought.
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Old 12-23-15, 07:24 PM   #33
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

I agree completely woth you in all of that. Buuuut, the orriginal question was what keeps us from having the snakes (or reptiles) of our dreams. Not wether ot not it would 'eventually' be atainable.
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Old 12-24-15, 01:55 AM   #34
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

If only it were money that was stopping me from growing my collection. I have just one CA BCI.

None of the snakes I'd like to obtain are silly money - a GTP a BRB and perhaps a carpet or Macklots python and then something like a gopher snake.

Even factoring in the fact they'd each need a viv etc the money isn't daft.

Trouble is I have something far more difficult to overcome than funding. A wife that doesn't particularly like snakes and isn't that happy that I have one, nevermind multiple residents!
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Old 12-24-15, 02:09 AM   #35
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Minkness, California red sided garters are as much as they are because of supply and demand. There are many more checkered garters on the market than red sided garters. Even the albino morph is mass produced by large breeders, where as the Calis are produced by a surprisingly few small breeders. I know because I have had to hunt down both, and actually had an easier time locating albino checkereds than the wild type. I am not sure on the reason for this but it may have to do with the fact that T.s. infernalis is becoming increasingly rare in the wild and I think there are some pretty tough laws on collecting them. Also the Neon blue California red sided garters, that I think you are referring too, actually are a morph. They are naturally occurring but not all specimens of the subspecies have bright blues. In the place of the blue they can have turquoise, blackish blue, or even white. They stay the same price every year because the demand far exceeds the supply and people are willing to pay the price.

As for snakes being too expensive, I think we covered that some people can not afford a certain animal but there is another side. I most certainly could save up enough to buy a thousand dollar snake, but I just refuse to pay this much for a snake at this point in my life. I think the most I consider reasonable to spend on a snake is $300 and that is pushing it a bit. The reason I got into the hobby was discovering pied ball pythons online four or so years ago. I could have afforded one, but could simply not stomach it. I waited those four years until I found one in the price range I consider reasonable, and early this coming year I will become the proud owner of my first dream snake. I feel the same way about dogs and my limit is about the same. I understand this is entirely arbitrary but I am nothing if not stubborn.
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Old 12-24-15, 08:53 AM   #36
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Oh, I know the breeder are few and far between. The neons are actually one of my personal dream snakes. I don't consider them over priced, just more than I'd prefer to spend on a garter. However, I do plan on getting a pair or trio probably next year. Thise are the 1 snake I have wanted sunce I got into snakes and fully wisb to breed them if only to add to the available numbers to the hobby. =)

You and I seem to have the same view on 'reasonable' as well. 300 is pretty much my cut off as well. Though I admit, that if I get into vreeding BPs, I may bump that up to 600 since then they wouldn't just be pets and I would eventually earn it back. But this is inly an 'if' scenario. =)
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Old 12-24-15, 09:17 AM   #37
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

I will warn you that as beautiful as the infernalis are they certainly make up for it in terrible attitude. Granted my male is still young but from my research it seems to be the case with this sub species. Great display snake, but certainly not the most handleable garter. I have heard that females are more tolerable.

The nice thing about breeding ball pythons is that seemingly all the morphs are dominant, co-dominant, and at the worst single recessive. Making breeding to get the more expensive combinations really not take all that long. Also there are so many great affordable morphs out there that in my opinion the more expensive new morphs just aren't worth the price tag. What morph are you interested in at $600?
R.A.D. house

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Old 12-24-15, 09:41 AM   #38
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Snakes have always been a hobby for me. As I have gotten older, and realized that at some point, I may be able to recoup a (very small) portion of my investment over the years (read: since 1975), hey, I'm all in. But with a few caveats. It's still a hobby for me that keeps me sane and out of the casinos. Additionally, I'm fortunate enough to have a few higher end snakes that limit potential buyers to those who will likely not buy them on a whim just to dump them on Craig's List a few months later and will actually care for them. If I never sell a snake, I'm cool with that.

With that being said, Derek...if you can get your hands on a pair of Boelens, we need to talk
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Old 12-24-15, 09:47 AM   #39
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Good call MDT Boelen's are one of the most beautiful snakes I have ever seen, but are equally unattainable.
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Old 12-24-15, 09:56 AM   #40
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Originally Posted by MesoCorney View Post
The nice thing about breeding ball pythons is that seemingly all the morphs are dominant, co-dominant, and at the worst single recessive. Making breeding to get the more expensive combinations really not take all that long. Also there are so many great affordable morphs out there that in my opinion the more expensive new morphs just aren't worth the price tag. What morph are you interested in at $600?
That's what I love in balls too! So many different combinations without probelms and years of waiting like in corn snakes where practically all the morphs are recessive. And like you said there is so much nice "normal" morphs, that you don't need the crazy, super expensive morphs unless you want to be a super pro breeder
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Old 12-24-15, 10:18 AM   #41
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

I would only spend 600$ on a morph I asthetically like, plan to keep long term, and that has multi genetics to add to any breeding options. Like the lesser GHI female I saw recently. My main focus if I should start breeding will be lessers, bananas, g stripes, and mojaves. Right now the most expensive snake on my want list is 400$ and is a lesser g stripe that makes me droooool. Lol. If I had 40$ right NOW, I'd have bought it already. But alas....I am a broke Mink.

Also, thanks for the heads up on the attitude of the neons. I don't mind a feisty snake, but I know they can be difficult to sell. I will certainly keep that in mind when I go to buy mine. I had planned on getting a female first anyway because of the size. Didn't know there would be a temperment issue.

Then again, I kinda fell in love with an evil worm known as a rough scale sand boa that continuously tagged me like 7-10 times in the span of like...5 mins lol. 10 grams of HAAAATE! But I thought his anger was so cute lol. Probably would change my tune if it was 4 feet long though lol. It was like...maaaaybe 5!
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Old 12-24-15, 10:39 AM   #42
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Originally Posted by MDT View Post
With that being said, Derek...if you can get your hands on a pair of Boelens, we need to talk
I have a list where I can order boelenes from but theyre wild caught. Dont quote me on the price as I dont have the list in front of me but if I remember correctly they are $1000
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an
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Old 12-24-15, 11:17 AM   #43
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

They are not bitters just constantly trying to escape and musk. Most snakes will calm down after a bit of handling but that is not true of my male. He is like an insanely wiggly and stinky noodle no matter how much I handle him. To be honest I have more or less designated him as a display snake at this point. Their tiny size as babies is no help and their musk is the worst I have experienced so far. On the other had their is no way I would not have one in my collection due to their stunning colors.
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Old 12-24-15, 12:52 PM   #44
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

Same. I will personally own them either way. =)
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Old 12-24-15, 01:12 PM   #45
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Re: Blackheaded Pythons?

I was almost able to get a pair of the San Francisco garters (Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia) from someone who had 6 up for sale. They were pricy but for a species thats on the endangered list in the wild to be able to breed them in captivity and at least help increase their numbers in capitivity. This is something that I would find to be very rewarding and worth paying the price that was being asked for them. The pair was selling for $700. For their rarity in both the wild and captivity as well as how amazing they look I felt that would be a price I would be willing to pay for something like that. Unfortunately the seller backed out of the sale however if I find any again I will be right on top of it!
1.1 Bredli Sarlacc/Rancor 0.1 Jungle carpet Shelia 0.1 hypo tangerine hondo amidala 0.1 ij carpet greedo 0.1 jag ij carpet maxine rebo 0.1 red western hognose gammorean 1.0 red tail boa boss nass 1.0 mbk Lando 1.0 asian vine higgins 0.1 asian vine wedge 1.0 cape file snake qui-gon jinn 0.1 checkered garter Doikk Na'ts 1.0 eastern garter Figrin D'an
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