Re: Humane Euthanasia
Dinosaurdammit, I understand what you are saying. Yes, the CO2 cannisters aren't that cheap, but they last a long time even with us and our 22 pythons and 4 monitors to feed. The easiest way to get around them coming back to consciousness is to leave them in the bag for a minute or two after they have stopped moving. We had a similar experience when bagging the dead ones up for the freezer, when one started kicking in the snap lock bag. Lesson learned.
1.1 Diamond pythons, 1.1 Gammon Ranges pythons, 1.1 coastal pythons, 2.0 Murray Darling pythons, 1.1 albino Northwestern pythons, 1.0 spotted python, sand monitor, Spencers monitor, yellow spotted monitor, 1.0 leatherback bearded dragon, eastern water dragon, red spiny tailed monitor.