Originally Posted by Mikoh4792
I find one of her posts very fishy(from the ball pythons forum).
Why would the breeder even send two snakes if he was going to hack anyways? He already had the money from them. Looks like a lose-lose situation for the breeder
At first she didn't want to tell members of ssnakess the breeder's name to protect him....and now she's saying that she doesn't even know the breeder's name nor does the person who paid for the snakes. Who does business with someone that doesn't even tell you their name?
I've been keeping quiet in this thread because of the response I got over on RTB for calling her out in the first place.... But this is one of the reasons I did, but didn't make known to the people at RTB because I was trying to keep it sort of nice, especially after some of the replies I got. I just dropped it, because a lot of what they said made sense.
The first thing that bothered me about her new post was that someone would lie about finding two exotic snakes that someone had "released/abandoned" in Louisiana (which is considered a "high risk" state for invasive snakes by many people outside the hobby), because it casts an unfair and untrue light on reptile keepers and perpetuates the myths about the reptile industry. A I explained on RTB, I recently read an article from Florida that specifically mentioned several big name forums. Whether we like it or not, we are being monitored by both animal rights groups and Florida law enforcement, and who knows who else.
I don't mind someone making a new account because they got off to a bad start, but these specific lies disturbed me. I don't see any benefit to them. And as someone pointed out on rtb, maybe I was wrong for exposing her, but it just didn't sit right with me. Just like the whole thing with the breeder hacking her email didn't sit right with me.
Her actual set-up isn't that bad (though there is lots of room for improvement), so I don't understand why she feels such a need to come up with these extravagant stories. We were all new keepers at one point, and I have made my fair share of mistakes. We all have.
If she is reading this, I would suggest she start again on whichever forum she chooses (and it may be against the terms and conditions here, I don't know). But this time not make any elaborate stories or lies. Just seek help because she needs it. If she has a question, ask it. We don't need an explanation of how she came by the snakes. And she is still posting on one forum, and I hope she continues, but drops the stories. Just get the help and advice she needs when starting out with snakes.
Again, maybe I was wrong to call her out, and I do regret doing it. I was annoyed and reacted pretty quickly, and that's never a good idea, regardless of the situation. And I'm very sorry if she feels that she can't use the forums anymore. That wasn't my intention at all.