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Old 11-13-13, 01:14 PM   #31
CK SandBoas
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Have to say, I have two thick Branches I cut off two trees in my backyard, one's in my Grey Banded King's Enclosure, and one's in my Royal's Enclosure, and the most I did was just run them under water, and let dry, and then I placed them in their enclosures....No bleaching necessary..... or needed.

Just my own personal experience, take it as you will...
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Old 11-13-13, 03:02 PM   #32
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
myself and a significant number of experienced people disagree with you. get over it.

and if you dont want other things brought up, then perhaps you should leave those topics out of the thread in the first place. dont expect me not to retort when you attempt to discredit me.
Who are these experienced people? You always claim people support you and your theories but you never supply actual proof.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
who's too stupid to care.
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Old 11-13-13, 03:07 PM   #33
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

So I darted through this at work trying not to get caught
The more I read your bit about soaking and sterilizing dirt the more I ask myself ," do you actually even have bioactive substrate?" If the organisms you add need the micro organisms you kill off to feed on, how do your setups actually have thrive? Wouldn't this be the same as killing alk of the minnows in a pond before stocking it with trout. Without the indigenous minnows the trout will die so why do it? Please discuss. Again if you can give me proof that your advice here is solid I will be glad to accept it but all of this in this thread seems way out there and I see no reason to introduce chemicals over normal natural organisms in any enclosure.
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Old 11-13-13, 03:31 PM   #34
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
Who are these experienced people? You always claim people support you and your theories but you never supply actual proof.

if you bothered to read the thread, several have already chimed in.

the fact that you are incapable of reading anything other than that which enables your negative behavior, proves that your true interest in this thread, has nothing to do with caring for reptiles.
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Old 11-13-13, 03:35 PM   #35
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
So I darted through this at work trying not to get caught
The more I read your bit about soaking and sterilizing dirt the more I ask myself ," do you actually even have bioactive substrate?" If the organisms you add need the micro organisms you kill off to feed on, how do your setups actually have thrive? Wouldn't this be the same as killing alk of the minnows in a pond before stocking it with trout. Without the indigenous minnows the trout will die so why do it? Please discuss. Again if you can give me proof that your advice here is solid I will be glad to accept it but all of this in this thread seems way out there and I see no reason to introduce chemicals over normal natural organisms in any enclosure.
Bactria repopulates substrates very quickly. different types form at different times, as the various compounds break down in the soil, it takes time to reach the perfect balance - taking soil straight out of the ground, and putting it in a reptile enclosure, with a different set of environmental parameters, completely destroys the balance, it will readjust itself certainly, but personally I prefer to start with a blank canvas that I can monitor and adjust as needed - just as anyone with an Aquarium would do. its called Cycling.

if you knew anything about bio active substrates, you would know that these processes take place, and starting with a sterile substrate is not an issue, and removes the possibility of inadvertently introducing creatures which shouldnt be there.
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Old 11-13-13, 03:53 PM   #36
Morelia Enjoyus Maximus
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
Bactria repopulates substrates very quickly. different types form at different times, as the various compounds break down in the soil, it takes time to reach the perfect balance - taking soil straight out of the ground, and putting it in a reptile enclosure, with a different set of environmental parameters, completely destroys the balance, it will readjust itself certainly, but personally I prefer to start with a blank canvas that I can monitor and adjust as needed - just as anyone with an Aquarium would do. its called Cycling.

if you knew anything about bio active substrates, you would know that these processes take place
So now you presume I know nothing about "these processes". Of course I know about bacteria growth or I would not be asking why you choose to kill yours off. Won't controlling the other materials within the viv as well as environment stimulate the growth or death of the organisms within the soil? I have never heard of anyone wanting to start with a " clean slate" before. No need to rude yet again and tell me I know nothing. You seem to think you know everything so this is why I am asking. I have also had fish in the past and never once did I consider boiling the water before introducing it into my tank and I certainly never added chemicals to it.

So I still am not sold. Still waiting for evidence of the need for this. Still wondering how you know what I know or do not know.
Still wondering how you can come off so rudely again and again and not expect the same in return?
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Old 11-13-13, 03:55 PM   #37
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

The only experienced keeper saying they do it is shaunyboy. The remainder of your supporters are extremely unknown quantities. Good try though. I commend you on your efforts to fabricate the truth and support.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
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Old 11-13-13, 03:56 PM   #38
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

you tell me I do not know what I am talking about, and that I am talking nonsense, and expect a civil reply? not going to happen. quite happy to discuss all sides of a topics, but I will not put up with people telling me I am talking nonsense simply because their opinions differ.
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Old 11-13-13, 03:57 PM   #39
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by KORBIN5895 View Post
The only experienced keeper saying they do it is shaunyboy. The remainder of your supporters are extremely unknown quantities. Good try though. I commend you on your efforts to fabricate the truth and support.
another brilliant contribution to the thread, you really are a valuable member of this forum. have a gold star.
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Old 11-13-13, 03:59 PM   #40
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
you tell me I do not know what I am talking about, and that I am talking nonsense, and expect a civil reply? not going to happen. quite happy to discuss all sides of a topics, but I will not put up with people telling me I am talking nonsense simply because their opinions differ.
So you mean like you did to me in the thermostat thread?....hypocrite
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Old 11-13-13, 04:02 PM   #41
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
So you mean like you did to me in the thermostat thread?....hypocrite
you told people that a pulse and dimmer thermostat causes inactivity in snakes, that they seek out a specific tempreture at all times and then stay there, ignoring the fact that snakes require diffrent tempretures to operate diffrent parts of their physiology - I pointed out that this was incorrect and that you had misunderstood thermoregulation - if you want to take offense to that information, and turn it into a personal insult, when it was no such thing, thats up to you.
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Old 11-13-13, 04:30 PM   #42
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by formica View Post
another brilliant contribution to the thread, you really are a valuable member of this forum. have a gold star.
Well at least one of us is..... Keep reading and learning and someday you may be able to actually contribute.
I used to be a nice guy but that don't get you anywhere. So now I'm just a piece of ****, idiot,
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Old 11-13-13, 04:44 PM   #43
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

Originally Posted by Terranaut View Post
I just skimmed the thread so if I repeat anyone..sorry.
First off a cheap thermostat is better than none so please get one $25 will buy you what you need. I have one of those heat mats and wide open without control will get very hot. I have not tested it but I would gueas well over 100º. Typically the pulse propotional thermostats are higher quality but wether or not a perfect temp is better for your snake is just not true. Nature doesn't hold a perfect temp nor does your snake hold a perfect temp. If this was the case you could set it and never have your snake move. If the snake can find the perfect temp in it's enclosure you have controlled enough. I hate it when people say the pulse are better for your snake. This simply isn't true. Higher quality is better but tighter temp control is not required. Actually it can cause your snake to just sit there with little effort to thermoregulate. Or in other excersise.
Originally Posted by formica View Post
why are pulse better than on/off? an on/off thermostat can vary by +/- 5C, this can be as much as the entire tempreture gradient of the enclosure - thats why they are better, if it is set correctly, then the gradient in the enclosure will be correct, and the snake will no just sit in one place, this is misunderstanding what thermoregulation is about, snakes do not need or want to be at the same tempreture all the time
So I guess you can't read either. I specifically said the opposite and that a snake doesn't want to be the same temp and giving it a range is best. You told me 3 times now I have a lacknof understanding about thermoregulation. Seriously? What is wrong with you? You screw up my words and tell me off....I let it post this crap today and I ask for more solid blow me off again and tell me yet again I don't know what I am talking about then spout off about difference of opinion?
Man o man....your way off planet.
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Old 11-13-13, 05:01 PM   #44
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

I chainsaw my limbs right from living trees, never had any problems.

If the wood is rotting, and the woodpeckers have gone nuts on it, leave it in the woods.

Apple, Ash, Maple, Oak and other hard woods are likely solid as a rock, so there is not going to be anything to worry about.

I even placed a bunch of living brush in my cage until the leaves wilt.

Huge zoo enclosures with live trees in them are NOT washed in bleach..
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Old 11-13-13, 05:06 PM   #45
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Re: Thinking of using some harvested branches.

I don't get the sterilization thing either TBH. I would really genuinely appreciate some sources on how using substrate and other objects from outside can be detrimental to our captive reptiles. I've been reading up on bioactive and have not found one instance of problems caused from this. I'm interested if there really are instances of this. It doesn't seem logical for this reason: sterilize substrate, kill bacteria and other stuff. Put in enclosure and add bugs that naturally live in soil and carry same bacteria and other stuff previously erradicated. Substrate now reinfested. Is this not correct?

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