Re: P. murinus sling
Originally Posted by DragonsEye
Hmm, that could be why mine (at least, if I'm recalling correctly) grew fairly quick as a wee one. The room I had it in was definitely in that upper range over the summer, and she ate like a pig.
As an adult they grow even more slowly -- assuming you have a female. My girl went 5yrs between molts this last time around.
Oh yes, once they mature they slow down big time. My adult female went many years between molts like that as well!
Originally Posted by Sharlynn93
I have an adult female rose hair that is all gray colored, and recently got a new juvenile (approx 2.5-3" in diameter) that is a reddish color...both are pretty awesome! quite handleable, though I try to just let them be unless necessary...hubby wants a fire leg someday..i would kinda like a green bottle blue they are very pretty!
A fire leg.. is that a B. emilia or similar? I'm not a fan of common names, because some are applied to multiple species lol but GBB I know! That is one species I never had. A friend did though, and it was neat to watch it go from gold and black stripes to adult colours!
[Manny]LavAlbinoRetic [Cortez]AlbinoBlackRat [Honey]Corn [Tartessos]BorneoSTP [Snapdragon]GopherSnake [Candice]YellowConda [Cypress]SolomonIslandTreeBoa
[Ogden]Crestie [Apple+Kiwi+Raina+Nikolai]Leos [Manhattan+Sidney]Tokays [Bukra.Zealand.Mina.Jolene.Yoshi.Greta.Spanky.Maui]Canines ...and fish, turtles, tarantulas, guinea pigs...