Re: Can Someone Please Help! My Monitor Escaped His Cage!
I am sorry to hear about this, man! I ALWAYS tell people NOT to touch my snakes, without me present, and a few weeks back, my brothers friend held my Ball Python without my permission, and did not lock the tub back up!! I was asleep when this happened.. Anyways, a few hours later, I check on my Ball Python, and... Oh wait.. He wasn't there!!!! So after a few hours of checking the ENTIRE house and tub over and over, I double checked in one of our clothes buckets, and he was in there! The little guy was all cuddle up in there. So I definitely agree that it's very important to keep checking. Because I looked in the bucket, didn't find him, check about 30 minutes later and he was there. So they move around quite a bit when they're loose. Hopefully you find him, man!!!
EDIT: I just read that you found him! Congrats, man!