Re: finding the right bins
^^^ This
For animals that need a lot of humidity, you put the holes more toward the top and not many. For less humidity you can put the holes closer to the bottom (for little babies, be careful none of the holes are big enough they can get out). I use a cheap soldering iron to poke holes in my tubs. It's cheap, simple, and effective.
I'd start with a few holes and go from there. You can always add more to the tubs....
0.1.1 '11 Normal Royal Pythons 0.2 '11 Albino Burms 0.2 Rescue Dumeril's Boas (approx 4yrs old) 0.1 '11 Colombian Boa (BCI) 0.1 '11 Cali King 0.1.0 JCP 0.1 '12 borneo 1.0 rose hair T 1.0 cat 1.1 Kids 1.0 Boyfriend