Thanks for the greetings, everyone!
Originally Posted by Shmoges
I used to have gold dojo loaches. Love those things! I also had the dwarf 3 clawed frogs and hoarse face loaches, silly gravel travelers. Your hoggie looks to be on the red side of normal pigmentation.
These are my first gold dojos...I've had 3 weather loaches in the past. The personalities are about the same except my 2 golds are *super* active, always swimming up and down and around the tank.
I've always admired horse-face loaches, but didn't want to invest in a flow pump to keep them. The dojos are happy with the waterfall filter, and haven't tried to escape (I lost one of my weather loaches to a jail break...very sad
The dwarf clawed frogs are cute, but I prefer
Xenopus for personality, longevity, and durability. Eventually I want to try raising an Axelotl.