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Old 11-16-11, 12:54 AM   #16
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Re: Stink like a hog?

oh alessia, perish the thought! no smell-o-anythings!

And my hoggies smell fine. They all stink when they poo, and i notice theirs smells a little different, and when they are eating (they sometimes go on strike for no reason) they poo and pee a lot. Perry, my tiny baby boy hasn't had a meal since we got him. He's not lost any weight that i can tell, and in fact, he looks a little thicker. He hisses and flares sometimes though ..i've noticed both my hoggies don't like to eat after the oteher snakes have been around, or if the dogs have wandered over.
Copper went on a three month strike, after eating 3 pinkies, then moving up to 10 fuzzies. Since then she's eaten a fuzzy every couple weeks. She ate the other day, but hasn't poo'd in a while.

I digress.... : )

Really i can't say who i'd rather smell. Between the balls, the boas, the hogs, the corns, the lizzard the bird and the dogs....and my husband...i don't really want to smell ANY poop *lmao*
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 11-16-11, 01:08 AM   #17
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Re: Stink like a hog?

oh i got typing and forgot to ask...what bedding do you have them on? I had coconut husk at first, but the hogs actually like it a bit dryer, and that holds moisture...and poop/pee smell, really well. It was hard to spot clean. So I switched my girl to all aspin bedding, and found that has worked really well. I've tried coconut husk with a dash of aspin, on other things, to keep the moisture and add a little freshness.
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 11-16-11, 04:38 AM   #18
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Re: Stink like a hog?

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
You know how when something is going on we're like "Post pics of it so we can see!" Imagine if we could ask "post a smell of it!" so we could smell what you're talking about. LOL. But I'm kind of glad we can't do that. Sounds like it smells awful and I want nothing to do with it

*sniff sniff* **GAG** "OMG That smell putrid! Here, you smell!" LOL

I agree with Kat, I love the smell of a farm, unless it is a hog farm or strictly chicken/turkey farm. **Gags**
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Old 11-16-11, 09:14 AM   #19
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Re: Stink like a hog?

One day, my friends, technology will let us share smells across the internet. Then ya'll will know the deliciousness of the perfume I wear

Edit: and if someone shares hog poop smell with us, we can send fabreeze their way too!
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Old 11-16-11, 09:21 AM   #20
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Re: Stink like a hog?

One day we will be able to hologram ourselves into a room to talk to each other face to face like in Star Wars
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Old 11-16-11, 09:46 AM   #21
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Re: Stink like a hog?

Originally Posted by youngster View Post
One day we will be able to hologram ourselves into a room to talk to each other face to face like in Star Wars
Kinda creepy.. I like my private space. No holograms welcome... lol
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Old 11-16-11, 12:33 PM   #22
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Re: Stink like a hog?

Originally Posted by youngster View Post
One day we will be able to hologram ourselves into a room to talk to each other face to face like in Star Wars
its already possible, just not commercially viable. Non-glasses 3d technology coupled with a special 3d camera and a high-speed internet connection.
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Old 11-16-11, 04:51 PM   #23
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Re: Stink like a hog?

I use shaved aspen bedding for them. One thing I'm suprized this forum doesn't have is an instant message option where everyone can log in and group off if they want and have insta messages. no insta smells or holograms though....
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Old 11-16-11, 05:33 PM   #24
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Re: Stink like a hog?

The facebook ssnakess page has a chat... but hardly anyone uses it. I actually like it that this forum doesn't have a mass chat thing though. Keeps things cleaner and contained to the threads
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Old 11-16-11, 05:37 PM   #25
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Re: Stink like a hog?

My hognose doesn't smell at all. His poo smells quite bad but hey, who's doesn't lol

When he hasn't poo'd his tub smells pretty fresh. He doesn't musk now, used to when I first got him and that was awful.
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Old 11-16-11, 05:46 PM   #26
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Re: Stink like a hog?

Maybe ours need a good soak and a scrub? lol
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Old 11-16-11, 06:00 PM   #27
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Re: Stink like a hog?

i've heard you can use baby shampoo on their bodies, just not the head. I guess i lucked out that mine don't musk! my girl has only ever been scared and played dead once, the first day i got her...and she did the WHOLE deal...blah *lol*
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 11-16-11, 08:48 PM   #28
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Re: Stink like a hog?

Mine has never musked or played and she's a little baby.
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Old 11-16-11, 09:25 PM   #29
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Re: Stink like a hog?

my tiny baby boy has only flared and hissed a few times. Never played dead or musked. I have to admit, though, that the first time (and only time) our girl hissed, flared, then flopped over ...and musked blah!...was SO CUTE. I felt so bad for her, yet i couldn't stop thinking it was soooo cute! lol
had her for like half a year now and she's never done anything since.
27 snakes (7 sand boas, 4 hognose, 5 ball pythons, 1 bolivian boa, 2 dumeril's boas, 2 carpet pythons, 5 garters, 1 corn snake), 1 cave spider, 9 tarantulas, 1 tokay gecko, 2 dogs, 2 frogs, emperor scorpions 1,000 dubia roaches, & tons of fish.
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Old 11-17-11, 11:58 AM   #30
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Re: Stink like a hog?

Originally Posted by alessia55 View Post
The facebook ssnakess page has a chat... but hardly anyone uses it. I actually like it that this forum doesn't have a mass chat thing though. Keeps things cleaner and contained to the threads
you're clearly not on when everyone else is. Mornings are BUSY.
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