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Old 06-22-11, 06:43 PM   #16
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Re: Super Bummed :(

I am pretty sure it is illegal for employers to drug test in Canada with the exception of possibly truck drivers and workers in the Alberta Oil fields.

Crappy situation buddy, sorry to hear that.
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Old 06-22-11, 07:00 PM   #17
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Re: Super Bummed :(

im sorry to hear that :C
it should be legal since people can drink and smoke which is a lot worse for people
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Old 06-22-11, 07:09 PM   #18
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Re: Super Bummed :(

America is just backwards. How could something be deemed a beneficial medicine that treats over 100 ailments in one state, but in another be deemed a dangerous and illicit drug? Doesn't make much sense..
Im funky not a junkie, but I know where to get it.
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Old 06-22-11, 07:54 PM   #19
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Re: Super Bummed :(

makes a lot of sense. until the government is getting a piece of that tax dough, it's not legal. if it DOES legalize, the people who illegaly grow and sell will get even more savage penalties and everyone who has a card will "have" to buy from sanctioned government clubs that keep tax money on it for themselves.

weed clubs already add chunky tax to things.
i don't have a card, but a few of my friends do. one of them broke his neck when he was a kid and has a plate fused in, he's a character. he lucked out SUPER hard and isn't crippled at all. it stunted his growth a bit and when storms come in the fusion hurts because of the electricity in the air. he's been on disability since he was 16 and now i believe he's 27.
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Old 06-22-11, 08:20 PM   #20
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Re: Super Bummed :(

if i were you i would deny it....tell them you hang around people that smoke and its in your system due to 2nd hand smoke.....
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Old 06-22-11, 08:29 PM   #21
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Re: Super Bummed :(

Yeah ninja you're definitely right. I've know for a ong time that most drug laws are moeny making schemes. I believe cali went from one of the poorest states to the richest since legalizing medical. If it was nationally legalized it would be taxed to hell, and probably altered to be more addictive like cigarettes. As far as denying it, that will just lead to a follow up test which id fail again. I am overwiegt, have one kidney (so i expel toxins slower), and my body is saturated with THC lol. Last time i quit, it was after about 7 years of almost daily consumption, no exaggeration it took me 90 days to detox rather than the average 30-45. I took weekly drug tests and failed at 84 days but passed at 91. All i can do now is ride this Fed up wave they call life!!! Thanks again for all your inputs, and if you know any 420-friendly people hiring, you know who to tell.
Im funky not a junkie, but I know where to get it.
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Old 06-22-11, 08:38 PM   #22
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Re: Super Bummed :(

i got a job delivering pizzas and italian food for a local restaraunt that has a few different locations. i make pretty good tips and they don't test. most customer service jobs don't test, which is what i've done my entire life. my first job was taco bell and i've worked at 3 or 4 better restaraunts since then as well as catering and abunch of other stuff. also i've had a lot of cashier/register type jobs. i definetly like the job i have right now the best though.

obviously no job will be 4-20 friendly, but you can target stuff that you know won't drug test.
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Old 06-22-11, 08:44 PM   #23
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Re: Super Bummed :(

My friend was an idiot and would take whatever was handed to him, loved to mix pills and alcohol etc... The farthest I ever got was weed and shrooms.
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Old 06-22-11, 09:25 PM   #24
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Re: Super Bummed :(

Tea-No offense to you AT ALL, but i feel that it would be next to impossible to support my household delivering and cashiering.

Stephan- Yea people like that often are just self destructive and use something "cool" and accepted like drugs to hurt themselves. It's a shame you had to know someone like that. How'd you like shrooms?
Im funky not a junkie, but I know where to get it.
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Old 06-22-11, 09:26 PM   #25
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Re: Super Bummed :(

The effects were interesting to say the least. I enjoyed them.
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Old 06-22-11, 10:12 PM   #26
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Re: Super Bummed :(

you can make damn good tips delivering stuff, but i understand what you're saying. i just have to support myself.
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Old 06-22-11, 10:17 PM   #27
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Re: Super Bummed :(

Originally Posted by TeaNinja View Post
obviously no job will be 4-20 friendly, but you can target stuff that you know won't drug test.
Win the Pot job lottery and work at a Head shop.
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Old 06-22-11, 10:20 PM   #28
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Re: Super Bummed :(

Not exactly the best living environment:P
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Old 06-23-11, 05:33 AM   #29
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Re: Super Bummed :(

I worked for yeats in Human Resources and was responsible for drug testing of many employees and also firing plenty of them as well.

Irrespective of whether you smoke on the job or dirnk on the job or speed in your company vehicle you are breaking the law by what you are doing and this reflects on the company and their Corporate Social Responsibilities.

Think of it this way - you work in a "safe" environment where being under the influence endangers noone so they let you off. Next week a fork lift driver kills someone whilst under the influence and they then have major issues as they have already let off someone working whilst having drugs intheir bloodstream. This is why majority of companies have a zero tolerance policy - they have to treat ALL workers by the same rules.

End of the day we all take calculated risks in life - sometimes we get away with it sometimes we dont, but when you tkae that risk knowing what the consequences are should you be caught out you just have to man up and accept those consequences.
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Old 06-23-11, 06:27 AM   #30
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Re: Super Bummed :(

I agree Rob. I knew the risk i was taking. And will handle what comes. Just will be hard for a while.
Im funky not a junkie, but I know where to get it.
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