Originally Posted by Lankyrob
Not sure if you have any lumber or builders yards near you but i would contact them and see if they sell offcuts, pieces not big enough for trade use that would be dumped could be perfect for what you need. They may even give it free as they normally have to pay someone to take it away.
As far as i konw, theres nothing like that where i am from... i just go to Lowes and they have pre measured peices of aspen that they will cut for me for free.... i can make the stand for the two tanks for around $120. that is (4) pieces that measure 4tf long x 2 ft deep x 3/4 in thick... and i am going to paint/stain it the same way as my current rack. and i may get creative and add a lil slot to keep my cricket holder in
depending on how i do my lights to my cage...
as for the enclosures themselves, for the BRB i would prolly use Melamine... and i was looking at aspen plywood for the beardie cage. still up in the air at this point...