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Old 05-04-11, 07:13 PM   #16
Stormy Night
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

I have issues with the snake bag theory. First off id be afraid someone would read JD's post and for some not smart reason, put a snake in a bag and soak it in the sink. Blub...blub..Mr. slithers is no more. And the tube sock Thing? If I stuck my BPs in a sock ..I wouldn't. That's not enough room to move around. And I'm not sure if soaking a bag with a Snake in it has an effect on the ability to breath or not. I would think water makes cloth heavier and not as fluffy, airy and breathable. I'd rather go with tub soaks and wet towels. And he I would think needs more humidity. Misting, fountains, wet towlel left in his enclosure for a couple hours, baths, dish of water under a heat source, ..ect
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Old 05-04-11, 07:31 PM   #17
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Originally Posted by Jendee View Post
a wet snake bag!! put your snake in a cloth bag or tube sock..wet it, let sit for 20 mins and voila!!
What Jendee said was to wet the bag FIRST then take the bag out of the water and place the snake inside it.
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Old 05-04-11, 07:39 PM   #18
Stormy Night
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Yea. you soak a bag, stick in a snake...does the wetness effect the breathability at all? Kind of like getting out of a pool with your cloths on. They stick around you.
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Old 05-04-11, 07:43 PM   #19
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

thats the whole point, the snake will rub there skin off on the warm humid wet cloth while trying to find there way out. Ive used this method several times with my boas. the tube sock works great you want something small and constricting so that it contacts your critter and helps remove the shed.obviously you wouldn't submerge your snake in a bag lol this isn't rocket science
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Old 05-04-11, 08:26 PM   #20
Stormy Night
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So I guess ill just answer my own repetative question..ill assume they can breathe. In 15 years I've never had a humidity issue so I've had no need to really deal with the issue. And yes it is extremely obvious. And as an example of the numerous ppl I deal with (I'm an animal rehaber); This couple contacts me because they have an iguana in a shoe box and it looks sickly. So after I basically swallow the rocks I'd like to stone them to death with. I tell them exactly what they are doing wrong and direct them,to lights, calcium powder, WATER, and food. I listed off random things that came to mind. Shreded squash, zucchini, carrots, split grapes and fruit, romaine lettuce NEVER iceberg ..and a bunch of others. I made the mistake of saying "pretty much anything in the produce aisle except for onions and tomatoes" they took my instructions..and got walnuts for protein, egg shells for calcium because it was cheaper than buying powder, mixed fruit cocktail in heavy syrup because it was cheaper than actual fruit...and that was it. They decided it hadnt pooped since they got it so it must be constipated. And because i told them NOT to feed them iceberg lettuce because it causes massive diarrhea and malnutrition ..they decided they'd flush his system by forcing lettuce down his throat. So
now they give me an iguana that "isn't getting better" because they shredded its stomach
and intestines with egg shells, force fed it horribly ...they were straight up the most ignorant specimens I've ever I was just pointing out that there are alot of ppl out there that would win every challenge in fail land. They read something and walk away with their own unique interpretation.
Also for the record my first responce was to tell them they needed to take it to a vet ASAP. They said they couldn't. I told them to give it to me and they told me it was their sons and he would be upset. I told them I'd fix it and teach them the ropes of iguanaism and give it back to them with a seious upgrade from a shoe box..and they declined. So there wasn't a whole lot I could do.
Stupid is as stupid does.
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Old 05-04-11, 08:37 PM   #21
Little Wise Owl
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

I'd just soak him for 30 minutes and let him go through a wet towel. Usually works for me.

Stormy Night - What are you even talking about...?
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Old 05-04-11, 08:46 PM   #22
Stormy Night
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Jendee said something to the effect of it not being rocket science to know you don't put a snake in a bag in a sink. Which stemed from me saying I'd hate to see some dumb azz misread what she said and think its ok to toss a bagged snake in a tub to soak. Which I followed up by an example of the supreme stupidity people are capable of, and the moral was "don't think stupid doesn't happen"...was I really that vague? Oops....
Bored...moving on now
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Old 05-04-11, 08:47 PM   #23
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

wow what a story.

yes they can breath, same as they could in a shipping box or a tub little tiny lungs can live off little tiny air. Most snake can submerge themselves fine for several minutes at a time some species more. Shedding problems don't just come from lack of humidity so adding humidity isn't gonna just fix the problem. The snakebag/tube sock is a quick fix to a bigger problem. Everyone deals with a stuck shed at least once in their reptile keeping life, especially as your number in snakes increase the odds of an issue coming up is greater. I find it impossible to believe when I hear "I have never." I have never is believable for someone who has had one or 2 snakes for a few yrs I have never is not believable for someone who has had 20 plus snakes for 10 plus yrs...

to op..stuck sheds can come from temp/humidty problems, stress and health problems. It sounds to me like you have all the humidity basis covered. Id start looking for other factors that would upset your snakes health and security. and to avoid eye cap problems/tail tip issues...snake bag..
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Old 05-04-11, 08:53 PM   #24
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Can't help the truth. I have 45 BPs, two Boas, and a corn. I've been a collector for 15 years and I've never once had a shedding issue. No stuck eye caps, no missed pieces. I'm a humidity natzi and I've also never had a sick snake. I still have my first snake that I got when I was 15. (15 years ago).
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Old 05-04-11, 09:35 PM   #25
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

i put myself in a wet bag and i could breathe just fine.
welcome to my nightmare... i think you're gonna like it.
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Old 05-04-11, 09:53 PM   #26
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

LMFAO! ....make it plastic and I may just pay to see that.
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Old 05-04-11, 10:06 PM   #27
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Guy in my area who supplied pet stores with frozen mice/rats got arrested for using plastic bags to kill his rodents, terrible way to go.
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Old 05-04-11, 10:09 PM   #28
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Originally Posted by stephanbakir View Post
Guy in my area who supplied pet stores with frozen mice/rats got arrested for using plastic bags to kill his rodents, terrible way to go.
i'm glad he got arrested.
welcome to my nightmare... i think you're gonna like it.
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Old 05-04-11, 10:53 PM   #29
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

and here's an idiot girl who puts her snake and food in a bag, and then buries it in sand. yay!!!
welcome to my nightmare... i think you're gonna like it.
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Old 05-04-11, 11:01 PM   #30
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Re: Bad shed still w/ photos

Can't think of a rational reason she would do this lol.
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