Originally Posted by morelia4life
But I thought Diamonds aren't Carpet pythons. They are both in the Morelia genus yes but I thought Diamonds were just closely related to carpets?
i would agree that diamond pythons and carpet pythons over all are very different animals most folk class them as carpets when speaking of diamonds on forums etc carpet enthsiasts like us who specialize in them know the ins and outs of the genetics know the difference
i only wrote it that way incase someone new to morelia thought that ordinary carpets could be kept this way
to date,the extent of morphological and biochemical variation both interpopulational and subspecific,has been poorly investigated.the diagnoses and descriptions of the subspecies are based on relatively few specimens,and are without analyses examining the statistical signigifance or polyogenic information of morphological charecters.with the exception of a few localitys ,carpet pythons are porrly represented in museun collections.(taken from barker and barker speaking on the treatment of carpet pythons including the diamond python)
barker and barker is quite an old book so any scientific journals papers etc you could point me in the direction of regards diamond taxonomy would be most appreciated mate
cheers shaun