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Old 03-29-11, 04:06 PM   #16
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Well it is official This enclosure will become a Chinese Water Dragon habitat. We found a rescued one today and are officially its new home once it heals and goes through a strict quaranteen. She came in with some pretty deep cuts to her face and neck however is apparently healing up pretty quick and looking and acting very healthy.

I kept a large high quality filtration system from my aquarium stuff just in case an aquatic reptile came my way. I figure I will set the water level just below the top of the lowest hide and then build some ramps with stones. I will ad some vines and grape branches so she has lots to climb on and have also added a basking lamp that is not in the pictures I posted.

Originally Posted by lukelightwalker View Post
I have started building my other salt water tank into an enclosure for a small Chameleon or two. I still have to add some grape branches and vines for their climbing needs. The tank is a 36 gal Bow Front. I will post another update when finished and its new occupants are home. We try to find rescue animals so don't know when or if it will even be a Chameleon tank. However I have a 40 gal hex and a stereo cabinet I am going to turn into a double enclosure on reserve for further homes for hard to place rescues.
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Old 03-29-11, 05:44 PM   #17
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Sorry if i misread but are you suggesting a water dragon is aquatic? Ie that the live in water?

They so need a nice sized bowl or water source to be able to get into and out of easily but they are not aquatic in the sense that they live in water like a turtle for example.

If i have the wrong end of the stick then i apologise but if i havent then you should really do a lot more research before rescuing an animal and putting it into an enclosure taht is totally wtong for it.
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Old 03-29-11, 06:46 PM   #18
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

A water dragon will need an arboreal tall enclosure about the size of a refrigerator!
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Old 03-30-11, 03:21 AM   #19
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Personally i would go for a 4 foot long and 3 foot high and 3 foot deep wooden viv with a large water container in the warn end for humidity and for swimming. They need plenty of climbing branches as well as they like to chill out up in the trees
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Old 03-30-11, 06:15 AM   #20
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Sorry Rob I missed the "semi" aquatic part. I am very aware that they dont need a tank full of water however all my studying has revealed that they do like a habitat that has a water area about 2 to 3 inches deep that is filtered and has currents in it. I also plan on having lots of area that is not submerged and provides lots of climbing opportunities as well. I have also studied her heat, humidity and light requirements and am already planning for these as well. The rescue I am getting her from is aware of what I am planning for her enclosure and consider it a castle compared to the tiny, lousy and what would have been terminal conditions she was rescued from.

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
Sorry if i misread but are you suggesting a water dragon is aquatic? Ie that the live in water?

They so need a nice sized bowl or water source to be able to get into and out of easily but they are not aquatic in the sense that they live in water like a turtle for example.

If i have the wrong end of the stick then i apologise but if i havent then you should really do a lot more research before rescuing an animal and putting it into an enclosure taht is totally wtong for it.
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Old 03-30-11, 06:17 PM   #21
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

In that case, my apologies, sounds like you are ready to go. Keep us updated with pics of the dragon and the enclosure.
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Old 04-04-11, 03:02 PM   #22
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

So here is my official unveiling of my new chinese water dragon enclosure. Now before anyone jumps on me for the size as it is only a 36 Gallon bow front, Remember I am getting her as a rescue and she was in a tiny 10 Gallon tank and her conditions would have been fatal very soon if she had not been found and rescued.

As you can see I have taken great care in designing an interesting and natural looking environment for her. She can dig under her basking rock. chill out on the ledge or bridge over the water. I have planted the Ficus near the angled overhang so she can hide back there. I have 2 different Pothos, 2 different Dracaena, 4 Bamboo stalks and plan at least 2 Hibiscus cuttings coming in soon from a friend.

I am going to address her climbing need a little more as the date to adopt her draws near. About 2 weeks however I think 2 well placed and sized grape branches and when the bamboo gets going a little more she will be a very happy dragon despite the smaller enclosure. Anyway she is young and small there is nothing says I may not give her something bigger as she gets bigger.

Send more pics as the enclosure changes and once I get her.

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Old 04-04-11, 03:27 PM   #23
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

I understand that you are improving the conditions but taking an animal from one set of wrong conditions and placing them in another set of wrong conditions isnt solving any problems.

If you cant put the animal into the perfect enclosure and husbandry requirements then let it go to someone who can.
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Old 04-04-11, 03:38 PM   #24
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

I, also, am concerned about the size of this habitat (although it does look great). Chinese water dragons grow up to 3 feet in length (males) and need approx. double that for the length of their habitat. A 35 gallon aquarium is no where near the size you need! They also like their water to swim in--do you have a big enough area for that as your little one grows? If your pet is less than 1 foot in length, then I guess you've got a good starter home, but I would suggest starting on a much larger enclosure very quickly--it's really going to need the space!
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Old 04-04-11, 04:05 PM   #25
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

And you keep your snakes in racks. OK well I will just be ignoring you from now on. Read My Post she is under a year old under a foot long and I stated that I would more than likely get her a larger environment to live in as she grows. Is there no positive people on this site.

Originally Posted by Lankyrob View Post
I understand that you are improving the conditions but taking an animal from one set of wrong conditions and placing them in another set of wrong conditions isnt solving any problems.

If you cant put the animal into the perfect enclosure and husbandry requirements then let it go to someone who can.
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Old 04-04-11, 04:15 PM   #26
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

lol, do you know how dumb that sounds?
for one thing, SNAKES ENJOY RACKS. they like small dark confined spaces.
LIZARDS DO NOT Enjoy small dark cramped spaces.
that's like me buying a retic tomorrow and stuffing it into a small tank and saying "well i'll most likely get it proper housing later"

the fact that you are thinking about "maybe" getting it the proper housing later seems stupid.

i'm very nice and positive but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand why people are talking to you the way they did. and to say you're going to ignore rob because he uses snake racks makes you THAT MUCH MORE naive in my book.
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Old 04-04-11, 04:18 PM   #27
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Read My Post she is under a year old under a foot long and I stated that I would more than likely get her a larger environment to live in as she grows. The water area is more than adequate at 6 gallons capacity and it is filtered. she will have lots of room to not only stretch out but also totally submerge. and as i started my post with for those of you who are going to jump down my throat back off. Is there no positive people on this site.

Originally Posted by CanadianEryx View Post
I, also, am concerned about the size of this habitat (although it does look great). Chinese water dragons grow up to 3 feet in length (males) and need approx. double that for the length of their habitat. A 35 gallon aquarium is no where near the size you need! They also like their water to swim in--do you have a big enough area for that as your little one grows? If your pet is less than 1 foot in length, then I guess you've got a good starter home, but I would suggest starting on a much larger enclosure very quickly--it's really going to need the space!
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Old 04-04-11, 04:20 PM   #28
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Its the thought that counts. ROFL
There are plenty of positive people on this forum, and to be honest, I have been here for a little while and i can tell you right now, that if ANYONE makes a negative comment, they almost always back it up constructively.
That being said, if you start spewing crap and false information, they will bring it to your attention, and everyone else's attention to avoid people believing it.
Snakes dont "love" racks, but they prefer them because they like feeling secure. Lizards are similar, but they need their space to move around or they get stressed.
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Old 04-04-11, 04:23 PM   #29
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

The way people respond to you greatly depends on the attitude you bring to the table.
There are very few people on this planet that will jump at you and start a war for no reason. Look back at the post and find out why you got the response you think you got, you might either find a reason for it, or find out that maybe just maybe you misread the conversation and people were honestly just giving their opinions and trying to help you.
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Old 04-04-11, 04:51 PM   #30
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Re: Begginings of a new enclosure

Thanks, and for a very young water dragon under a year and under a foot this will be a castle and when she outgrows it I will build her a new enclosure more appropriate to her size and need. Same thing I do for my beardies and and other lizards. Changing their enviroment up on a regular basis keeps them more occupied and happy.

My beardies are looking at getting a much larger and and full of climbs and hides and water features custom enclosure this summer as I would like them to be in larger surroundings. why would I not build her one too as she gets bigger.

I just can't figure out why people are always so quick to jump down others throats. If you look at the enclosure I have built for a baby water dragon I have done my research and I have built a very nice enclosure that will suit a baby for quit some time. At the first signs, of any kind, of boredom and size rubbing I will be starting on its new enclosure. and this one will become an enclosure for another semi aquatic lizard that fits its size.

Remember I rescue these critters from people to give them a good life not make the same mistakes the people I rescue them from made.


Originally Posted by stephanbakir View Post
Its the thought that counts. ROFL
There are plenty of positive people on this forum, and to be honest, I have been here for a little while and i can tell you right now, that if ANYONE makes a negative comment, they almost always back it up constructively.
That being said, if you start spewing crap and false information, they will bring it to your attention, and everyone else's attention to avoid people believing it.
Snakes dont "love" racks, but they prefer them because they like feeling secure. Lizards are similar, but they need their space to move around or they get stressed.
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