Originally Posted by tara.K
We've called these places, they don't do them anymore. I wouldn't have come here asking for help if I hadn't already tried everything else. This was my last resort.
I know its hard to come someplace for help and feel as though the answers you are getting aren't what you want to hear.
The scope of what is going on with your snake is beyond the help of any forum of reptile lovers. The spasms, the lack of defecation, and the lack of funds even if you could get the snake to the vet leaves you with very few options.
While its hard to think of, often it is the snakes best option and in his best interest to stop the suffering it must be undergoing with those symptoms. I'm so sorry to even say it, but it may be the best thing you can do out of love, and really caring for your Kingsnake.
Whatever you choose to do, I wish you peace with that decision.