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Old 11-12-05, 01:32 PM   #16
Join Date: Sep-2005
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lol i guess not thanks for all the comments and help
1.1.0 ball
0.1.0 col. red tail
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Old 11-12-05, 03:22 PM   #17
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Used to, too many snakes now, but I know when they all eat .
1.2 cornsnakes (slim, normal)(taz, okeetee)(xenia, r.oketee)
1.1 bci's (bam, guyunan)(noodle, pastel sibling)
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Old 11-13-05, 07:30 PM   #18
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ok i have tryed something new.. today when i went to the pet store i asked if they had any other size rats....low and behold they did and dont tell people for some reason, so all i knew they had was what was on display. but anyway what i thought was there large wasent lol it was there med. but they are a lot larger than other stores around here anyway they had smalls and large but the large was really big so i got her a med. and a small and she took them real well so all we have to do is now waite and see if she keeps them down. we also uped my balls size today he was eating 3 mice so we got him 1 mouse and 1 small rat and he also seemed happy with it........ so anyway thanks again for all the help and i guess i am the only one that keeps these books or maby i should make another thread on that to see lol
1.1.0 ball
0.1.0 col. red tail
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Old 11-14-05, 10:30 AM   #19
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On the subject of a snake becoming attached to one person, I would relate what happened the other night. I had my redtail out for awhile and then my fiance took her for a little bit while I left the room, letting the snake sit in her lap as she had been in mine. I should add that my fiance is a veterinarian and certainly knows how to handle them. When I came back in the room, the snake started quickly flicking its tongue, picking up my smell. She then stretched out across open space for me. I held out my hands and she placed her head there and started pulling on me. We then watched in amazement as she drew herself across open space, finally letting go with her tail and allowing almost half of her body length to swing loose before finally wrapping onto my arms and pulling herself the rest of the way up onto me. This from an animal who is supposedly afraid of falling as much as anything else. I am careful not to attribute too much emotion to these wonderful animals, but this was clearly a snake that wanted to get back to me.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. - Thoreau
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Old 11-14-05, 11:42 AM   #20
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This is an interesting story and is similar to a situation that I often see with an adult female Guyanan Red Tail boa (Bcc) that I have in my collection. The snake is possibly around five years old and is about 7feet in length and is quite heavy (not sure how heavy though).

My daughter who has made a fuss of the snake for the three or four years that I have owned the snake will visit us from out of town with her family on regular occasions.

If removed from her enclosure for a handling session during these family visits, the snake, who is a great favourite with the grandkids because of her placid nature, will eventually end up working her way across seats or chesterfields and into my daughters lap, and then seemingly take a 'nap' with her head nuzzled into the nape of my daughters neck.

The snake will stay in that position for as long as she is allowed to, and obviously would appear to have a strong attraction to my daughter.

We claim it is the perfume my daughter wears that is the real attraction, but the snake will react the same way even if a different perfume or no perfume is being worn. My daughter is by far her favourite 'tree'.

For what it's worth and knowing that these are not controlled scientific studies but merely observations, it seems obvious that some snakes at least, can be attracted to certain humans in a manner that can only be interpreted by us as 'affection'.

For many years my late wife and I raised and 'showed' Great Danes and Newfoundland dogs to championship level, and later we kept Pekingese dogs solely as pets. From those experiences I have a basic knowledge of how a dog interacts with humans.

I therefore make no claims that reptiles and in particular snakes can be equated to dogs, cats or other mammalian pets in any way, but for those of us who see snakes merely as instinctive and primitive creatures, whose sole reason for 'being' is to eat, poop and make more snakes, it certainly leaves us with the question that there may be just a little more than we care to admit in regards to these amazing creatures.

Thanks Bluzmn59 (not your real name I hope) for sharing. At least there will be more than one of us in the padded cell after the round up.
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Old 11-14-05, 12:41 PM   #21
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My Suriname Redtail adopts the same position - laying in my lap, stretched up my chest with her head over my shoulder next to my neck. Once she is in that position, she will also lay there for as long as I will let her.

And I already have my spot reserved in that padded cell.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away. - Thoreau
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Old 11-15-05, 04:26 PM   #22
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ok so i am not crazy lol so some snakes do tend to like 1 person more than others. i think she is just spoiled lol and everything they ate the other day stayed down well thanks again on that sub. its a wounder how these things get started on one sub. and go from sub. to sub. but i really dont have to many friends that like snakes so this is the only place i can talk to people other than going to the pet store, which i think she enjoys also...lots of att. there and she knows its dinner time afterwords..
i have a conv. mustang so a ride in the car is nice for her also, she gets in her spot around my neck and the only time she moves is when we are at a red light lol just enough for the people beside us to see her ...... i think she is worse than me about gettin att.
1.1.0 ball
0.1.0 col. red tail
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Old 11-15-05, 04:52 PM   #23
Join Date: Feb-2004
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Sheesh, now you really have opened a can of worms.

I prefer not to comment on this topic. I expect you'll get rained on (at least) however.
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